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Resnik P, Elkiss A.  2005.  The linguist's search engine: an overview. Proceedings of the ACL 2005 on Interactive poster and demonstration sessions. :33-36.
Resnik P.  1997.  Evaluating multilingual gisting of Web pages. SS-97-02
Resnik P, Melamed ID.  1997.  Semi-automatic acquisition of domain-specific translation lexicons. Proceedings of the fifth conference on Applied natural language processing. :340-347.
Resnik P.  1998.  Parallel strands: A preliminary investigation into mining the web for bilingual text. Machine Translation and the Information Soup. :72-82.
Resnik P.  1993.  Semantic classes and syntactic ambiguity. Proceedings of the workshop on Human Language Technology. :278-283.
Resnik P.  1992.  Probabilistic tree-adjoining grammar as a framework for statistical natural language processing. Proceedings of the 14th conference on Computational linguistics-Volume 2. :418-424.
Resnik P.  1992.  Left-corner parsing and psychological plausibility. Proceedings of the 14th conference on Computational linguistics-Volume 1. :191-197.
Resnik P.  1992.  A class-based approach to lexical discovery. Proceedings of the 30th annual meeting on Association for Computational Linguistics. :327-329.
Resnik P, Elkiss A, Lau E, Taylor H.  2005.  The web in theoretical linguistics research: Two case studies using the Linguist’s Search Engine. 31st Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society. :265-276.
Resnik P, Olsen MB, Diab M.  1999.  Creating a parallel corpus from the book of 2000 tongues. Computers and the Humanities. 33:1-2.
Resnik P, Olsen MB, Diab M.  1999.  The Bible as a parallel corpus: Annotating the ‘Book of 2000 Tongues’. Computers and the Humanities. 33(1):129-153.
Resnik P, Diab M.  2000.  Measuring verb similarity. Proceedings of the Twenty-second Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society: August 13-15, 2000, Institute for Research in Cognitive Science, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA. :399-399.
Resnik P, Yarowsky D.  1997.  A perspective on word sense disambiguation methods and their evaluation. Proceedings of the ACL SIGLEX workshop on tagging text with lexical semantics: Why, what, and how. 86
Resnik P, Hearst M.  1993.  Structural ambiguity and conceptual relations. Proceedings of the Workshop on Very Large Corpora: Academic and Industrial Perspectives. :58-64.
Resnik P.  2011.  Semantic similarity in a taxonomy: An information-based measure and its application to problems of ambiguity in natural language. Arxiv preprint arXiv:1105.5444.
Resnik P, Yarowsky D.  1999.  Distinguishing systems and distinguishing senses: New evaluation methods for word sense disambiguation. Natural language engineering. 5(2):113-133.
Resnik P.  1999.  Mining the web for bilingual text. Proceedings of the 37th annual meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics on Computational Linguistics. :527-534.
Resnik P.  1997.  Selectional preference and sense disambiguation. Proceedings of the ACL SIGLEX Workshop on Tagging Text with Lexical Semantics: Why, What, and How. :52-57.
Resnik P.  1995.  Using information content to evaluate semantic similarity in a taxonomy. Arxiv preprint cmp-lg/9511007.
Resnik P, Buzek O, Hu C, Kronrod Y, Quinn A, Bederson BB.  2010.  Improving translation via targeted paraphrasing. Proceedings of the 2010 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing. :127-137.
Resnik P, Oard D, Levow G.  2001.  Improved cross-language retrieval using backoff translation. Proceedings of the first international conference on Human language technology research. :1-3.
Resnik P.  1995.  Disambiguating noun groupings with respect to WordNet senses. Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Very Large Corpora. :54-68.
Reuter K, Druin A.  2004.  Bringing together children and books: An initial descriptive study of children's book searching and selection behavior in a digital library. Proceedings of the American Society for Information science and Technology. 41(1):339-348.
Revelle G, Druin A, Platner M, Bederson BB, Hourcade JP, Sherman L.  2002.  A visual search tool for early elementary science students. Journal of Science Education and Technology. 11(1):49-57.
Revett K, Ruppin E, Goodall S, Reggia JA.  1998.  Spreading depression in focal ischemia: A computational study. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism. 18(9):998-1007.
