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Latecki LJ, Mount D, Wu AY, Melter RA.  2001.  Vision Geometry X. Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series. 4476
Latecki LJ, Mount D, Wu AY.  2002.  Vision geometry XI(Seattle WA, 7-8 July 2002). SPIE proceedings series.
Latecki LJ, Mount D, Wu AY.  2007.  Vision Geometry XV. Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series. 6499
Latecki LJ, Mount D, Wu AY.  2000.  Vision geometry IX:(San Diego CA, 30-31 July 2000). SPIE proceedings series.
Latecki LJ, Mount D, Wu AY.  2004.  Vision Geometry XII. Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series. 5300
Latecki LJ, Melter RA, Mount D, Wu AY.  1999.  Vision geometry VIII(Denver CO, 19-20 July 1999). SPIE proceedings series.
Latecki LJ, Mount D, Wu AY.  2005.  Vision geometry XIII(San Jose CA, 18-19 January 2005). SPIE proceedings series.
Lathan C, Vice J M, Tracey M, Plaisant C, Druin A, Edward K, Montemayor J.  2001.  Therapeutic play with a storytelling robot. CHI '01 extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems. :27-28.
Lathan CE, Tracey MR, Vice JM, Druin A, Plaisant C.  2005.  Robotic apparatus and wireless communication system. 10/085,821(6895305)
Lathia N, Smith C, Froehlich J, Capra L.  2012.  Individuals among commuters: Building personalised transport information services from fare collection systems. Pervasive and Mobile Computing.
Lathia N, Froehlich J, Capra L.  2010.  Mining Public Transport Usage for Personalised Intelligent Transport Systems. 2010 IEEE 10th International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM). :887-892.
Laurillard D, Preece J, Shneiderman B, Neal L, Wærn Y.  1998.  Distance learning: is it the end of education as most of us know it? CHI 98 conference summary on Human factors in computing systems. :86-87.
Laverson A, Norman K, Shneiderman B.  1987.  An evaluation of jump-ahead techniques in menu selection. Behaviour & Information Technology. 6(2):97-108.
Lavi J, Agrawala AK, Buhr R, Jackson K, Jackson M, Lang B.  1991.  Computer based systems engineering workshop. Software Engineering Education. :149-163.
Layman L, Basili VR, Zelkowitz MV, Fisher KL.  2011.  A case study of measuring process risk for early insights into software safety. Software Engineering (ICSE), 2011 33rd International Conference on. :623-632.
Lazar J, Bessiere K, Ceaparu I, Robinson J, Shneiderman B.  2003.  Help! I’m lost: User frustration in web navigation. IT & Society. 1(3):18-26.
Lazar J, Jones A, Shneiderman B.  2006.  Workplace user frustration with computers: an exploratory investigation of the causes and severity. Behaviour & Information Technology. 25(3):239-251.
Lazar J, Jones A, Bessiere K, Ceaparu I, Shneiderman B.  2005.  User Frustration with Technology in the Workplace (2004). Institute for Systems Research Technical Reports.
Lazar J, Bessiere K, Ceaparu I, Robinson J, Shneiderman B.  2005.  Help! I'm Lost: User Frustration in Web Navigation (2003). Institute for Systems Research Technical Reports.
Lazar J, Jones A, Hackley M, Shneiderman B.  2005.  Severity and Impact of Computer User Frustration: A Comparison of Student and Workplace Users (2002). Institute for Systems Research Technical Reports.
Lazar J, Jones A, Hackley M, Shneiderman B.  2006.  Severity and impact of computer user frustration: A comparison of student and workplace users. Interacting with Computers. 18(2):187-207.
Le ST, Guros NB, Bruce RC, Cardone A, Amin ND, Zhang S, Klauda J, Pant HC, Richter CA, Balijepalli A.  2019.  Quantum Capacitance-Limited MoS2 Biosensors Enable Remote Label-Free Enzyme Measurements. Nanoscale.
Le ST, Morris MA, Cardone A, Guros NB, Klauda JB, Sperling BA, Richter CA, Pant HC, Balijepalli A.  2020.  Rapid, quantitative therapeutic screening for Alzheimer's enzymes enabled by optimal signal transduction with transistors. The Analyst. 145(8):2925-2936.
Le Moigne J, Cole-Rhodes A, Eastman R, Jain P, Joshua A, Memarsadeghi N, Mount D, Netanyahu N, Morisette J, Uko-Ozoro E.  2006.  Image Registration and Fusion Studies for the Integration of Multiple Remote Sensing Data. Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, 2006. ICASSP 2006 Proceedings. 2006 IEEE International Conference on. 5:V-V.
Le Moigne J, Netanyahu NS, Masek JG, Mount D, Goward SN.  2001.  Robust matching of wavelet features for sub-pixel registration of Landsat data. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2001. IGARSS '01. IEEE 2001 International. 2:706-708vol.2-706-708vol.2.
