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Stewart G.W.  2004.  An Elsner-like perturbation theorem for generalized eigenvalues. Linear Algebra and its Applications. 390:1-5.
Stewart G.W.  1997.  On the weighting method for least squares problems with linear equality constraints. BIT Numerical Mathematics. 37(4):961-967.
Stewart G.W.  1999.  The QLP Approximation to the Singular Value Decomposition. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing. 20(4):1336-1348.
Stewart G.W.  1997.  On markov chains with sluggish transients. Communications in Statistics. Stochastic Models. 13(1):85-94.
Stewart G.W.  1995.  On the perturbation of Schur complement in positive semidefinite matrix. TR-95-38
Stewart G.W.  2001.  Backward Error Bounds for Approximate Krylov Subspaces. UMIACS-TR-2001-32
Stewart J, Raybourn E, Bederson BB, Druin A.  1998.  When Two Hands Are Better Than One: Enhancing Collaboration Using Single Display Groupware. CHI’98. Extended Abstracts. :287-288.
Stewart G.W.  1999.  Four algorithms for the efficient computation of truncated pivoted QR approximations to a sparse matrix. Numerische Mathematik. 83(2):313-323.
Stewart J, Bederson BB, Druin A.  1999.  Single display groupware: a model for co-present collaboration. Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems: the CHI is the limit. :286-293.
Stewart G.W.  2006.  A note on generalized and hypergeneralized projectors. Linear Algebra and its Applications. 412(2–3):408-411.
Stewart G.W.  2003.  Memory leaks in derived types revisited. SIGPLAN Fortran Forum. 22(3):25-27.
Stewart G.W.  2000.  An Arnoldi--Schur Algorithm for Large Eigenproblems. UMIACS-TR-2000-21
Stewart G.W.  1995.  On the stability of sequential updates and downdates. Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on. 43(11):2642-2648.
Stewart G.W.  2006.  The Gram-Schmidt Algorithm and Its Variations. UMIACS-TR-2004-84
Stewart G.W.  1998.  Incremental Condition Calculation and Column Selection. UMIACS-TR-90-87
Stewart G.W.  2001.  Adjusting the Rayleigh Quotient in Semiorthogonal Lanczos Methods. UMIACS-TR-2001-31
Stewart G.W.  1998.  On the Perturbation of LU, Cholesky, and QR Factorizations. UMIACS-TR-92-24
Stewart G.W.  1998.  QR Sometimes Beats Jacobi. UMIACS-TR-95-32
Stewart G.W.  1998.  Four algorithms for the efficient computation of truncated pivoted QR approximation to a sparse matrix. TR-98-12
Stewart G.W.  1995.  Theory of the Combination of Observations Least Subject to Errors. SIAM, Philadelphia.[Translation of Gauss (1821, 1823, 1826).].
Stewart G.W.  2001.  Matrix Algorithms: Eigensystems.
Stewart G.W.  1998.  On the adjugate matrix. Linear Algebra and its Applications. 283(1–3):151-164.
Stewart G.W.  1995.  On the solution of block Hessenberg systems. Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications. 2(3):287-296.
Stewart G.W.  2003.  Building an Old-Fashioned Sparse Solver. UMIACS-TR-2003-95
Stewart G.W.  2000.  The decompositional approach to matrix computation. Computing in Science Engineering. 2(1):50-59.
