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Hicks MW, Foster JS.  2010.  Viewpoint Adapting agile software development methodology toward more efficient management of academic research groups.. Communications of the ACM. 53(10):30-30.
Hicks MW, Moore JT, Nettles S.  2001.  Dynamic software updating. Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN 2001 conference on Programming language design and implementation. :13-23.
Hicks MW.  1999.  PLAN Service Programmer's Guide for PLAN version 3.2. University of Pennsylvania.
Hicks MW, Moore JT, Nettles SM.  1997.  The measured cost of copying garbage collection mechanisms. SIGPLAN Not.. 32(8):292-305.
Hicks MW, Morrisett G, Grossman D, Jim T.  2004.  Experience with safe manual memory-management in cyclone. Proceedings of the 4th international symposium on Memory management. :73-84.
Hicks MW, Foster JS, Pratikakis P.  2006.  Lock inference for atomic sections. Proceedings of the First ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Languages, Compilers, and Hardware Support for Transactional Computing.
Heyman DP, O'Leary DP.  1995.  What is Fundamental for Markov Chains: First Passage Times, Fundamental Matrices, and Group Generalized Inverses. Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Markov ChainsProceedings of the Second International Workshop on Markov Chains. :151-161.
Heyman DP, O'Leary DP.  1998.  Overcoming Instability In Computing The Fundamental Matrix For A Markov Chain. SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications. 19(2):534-540.
Hettinger AZ, Rackoff A, Wongsuphasawat K, Cheng H, Fairbanks RJ, Plaisant C, Smith MS.  2011.  Improved Identification and Visualization of Emergency Department Patient Visits. Annals of Emergency Medicine. 58(4):S309-S309.
Hesse BW, Shneiderman B.  2007.  eHealth Research from the User’s Perspective. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 32(5, Supplement):S97-S103-S97-S103.
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Helman DR, JaJa JF.  1999.  Prefix computations on symmetric multiprocessors. Parallel and Distributed Processing, 1999. 13th International and 10th Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing, 1999. 1999 IPPS/SPDP. Proceedings. :7-13.
Helman DR, Bader DA, JaJa JF.  1998.  A Randomized Parallel Sorting Algorithm with an Experimental Study. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing. 52(1):1-23.
Helman D, JaJa JF.  1999.  Designing practical efficient algorithms for symmetric multiprocessors. Algorithm Engineering and Experimentation. :663-663.
Helman DR, JaJa JF, Bader DA.  1998.  A new deterministic parallel sorting algorithm with an experimental evaluation. Journal of Experimental Algorithmics (JEA). 3
Helman D, JaJa JF.  1995.  Efficient image processing algorithms on the scan line array processor. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on. 17(1):47-56.
Helman DR, Bader DA, JaJa JF.  1998.  A Parallel Sorting Algorithm With an Experimental Study. UMIACS-TR-95-102
Helman DR, Bader DA, JaJa JF.  1996.  Parallel algorithms for personalized communication and sorting with an experimental study (extended abstract). Proceedings of the eighth annual ACM symposium on Parallel algorithms and architectures. :211-222.
