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Kraus S, Perlis D.  1989.  Assessing others' knowledge and ignorance. Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems.
Kraus S, Perlis D, Horty JF.  1991.  Reasoning about ignorance: A note on the Bush-Gorbachev problem. Fundam. Inform.. 15(3-4):325-332.
Kraus S, Nirkhe M, Perlis D.  1991.  Deadline-coupled real-time planning. Innovative approaches to planning, scheduling and control: proceedings of a Workshop [on Innovative Approaches to Planning, Scheduling, and Control], held at San Diego, California, November 5-8, 1991. :100-100.
Kraus S, V.S. Subrahmanian, Tas NC.  2003.  Probabilistically survivable mass. INTERNATIONAL JOINT CONFERENCE ON ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. 18:789-795.
Kreitzberg CB, Shneiderman B.  1990.  FORTRAN Programming: A Spiral Approach.
Kreitzberg CB, Shneiderman B.  1993.  Restructuring knowledge for an electronic encyclopedia. Sparks of innovation in human-computer interaction. 615:123-123.
Kreitzberg CB, Shneiderman B.  2005.  Making Computer and Internet Usability a Priority (2000). Institute for Systems Research Technical Reports.
Kreitzberg CB, Shneiderman B.  1972.  The Elements of FORTRAN Style: Techniques for Effective Programming.
Kreitzberg CB, Shneiderman B.  2000.  Making Computer and Internet Usability a Priority. Technical Reports from UMIACS.
Krishna AS, Schmidt DC, Memon AM, Porter A, Sevilla D.  2004.  Model-Based Approaches-Validating Quality of Service for Reusable Software Via Model-Integrated Distributed Continuous Quality Assurance. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 3107:286-295.
Krishna A, Yilmaz C, Memon AM, Porter A, Schmidt DC, Gokhale A, Natarajan B.  2004.  A distributed continuous quality assurance process to manage variability in performance-intensive software. 19th ACM OOPSLA Workshop on Component and Middleware Performance.
Krishna A, Schmidt D, Memon AM, Porter A, Sevilla D.  2004.  Validating quality of service for reusable software via model-integrated distributed continuous quality assurance. Software Reuse: Methods, Techniques, and Tools. :286-295.
Krishna AS, Schmidt DC, Porter A, Memon AM, Sevilla-Ruiz D.  2004.  Improving the Quality of Performance-intensive Software via Model-integrated Distributed Continuous Quality Assurance. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Software Reuse.
Krishna AS, Yilmaz C, Memon AM, Porter A, Schmidt DC, Gokhale A, Natarajan B.  2004.  Applying Model-based Distributed Continuous Quality Assurance Processes to Enhance Persistent Software Attributes. IEEE Software. 21(6):32-40.
Krishnamurthy S, Sanders WH, Cukier M.  2003.  An adaptive quality of service aware middleware for replicated services. Parallel and Distributed Systems, IEEE Transactions on. 14(11):1112-1125.
Krishnamurthy S, Sanders WH, Cukier M.  2002.  Performance evaluation of a probabilistic replica selection algorithm. :119-127.
Krishnamurthy S, Sanders WH, Cukier M.  2001.  A dynamic replica selection algorithm for tolerating timing faults. :107-116.
Krishnamurthy S, Sanders WH, Cukier M.  2002.  An adaptive framework for tunable consistency and timeliness using replication. :17-26.
Krishnamurthy S, Chandrasekaran S, Cooper O, Deshpande A, Franklin MJ, Hellerstein JM, Hong W, Madden S, Reiss F, Shah MA.  2003.  TelegraphCQ: An architectural status report. IEEE Data Engineering Bulletin. 26(1):11-18.
Krishnamurthy S, JaJa JF.  1990.  An efficient parallel algorithm for channel routing. Computer Design: VLSI in Computers and Processors, 1990. ICCD '90. Proceedings., 1990 IEEE International Conference on. :400-403.
Krishnamurthy S, Sanders WH, Cukier M.  2002.  Performance evaluation of a QoS-aware framework for providing tunable consistency and timeliness. :214-223.
Krüger V, Zhou S, Chellappa R.  2006.  Integrating Video Information over Time. Example: Face Recognition from Video. Cognitive Vision SystemsCognitive Vision Systems. 3948:127-144.
Kuah B-T, Shneiderman B.  1998.  Providing Advisory Notices for UNIX Command Users: Design, Implementation, and Empirical Evaluations. Technical Reports of the Computer Science Department.
Kules B, Shneiderman B.  2005.  Catergorized Overviews for Web Search Results: Two Exploratory Studies in the US Government Domain. Technical Reports from UMIACS.
Kules B, Kang H, Plaisant C, Rose A, Shneiderman B.  2004.  Immediate usability: a case study of public access design for a community photo library. Interacting with Computers. 16(6):1171-1193.
