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Katz J.  2006.  Review of "A Computational Introduction to Number Theory and Algebra by Victor Shoup", Cambridge University Press, 2005. SIGACT News. 37(1):12-13.
Katz J, MacKenzie P, Taban G, Gligor V.  2005.  Two-server password-only authenticated key exchange. Applied Cryptography and Network Security. :175-206.
Katz J, Maurer U, Tackmann B, Zikas V.  2011.  Universally composable synchronous computation.
Katz J, Smith A.  2006.  Analyzing the HB and HB+ protocols in the “large error” case. IACR ePrint report. 326:2006-2006.
Katz J, Yerukhimovich A.  2009.  On black-box constructions of predicate encryption from trapdoor permutations. Advances in Cryptology–ASIACRYPT 2009. :197-213.
Katz J, Vaikuntanathan V.  2011.  Round-optimal password-based authenticated key exchange. Theory of Cryptography. :293-310.
Katz J, Ostrovsky R, Rabin M.  2005.  Identity-based zero-knowledge. Security in Communication Networks. :180-192.
Katz J, Ostrovsky R, Yung M.  2001.  Efficient password-authenticated key exchange using human-memorable passwords. Advances in Cryptology—EUROCRYPT 2001. :475-494.
Katz J, Yung M.  2007.  Scalable protocols for authenticated group key exchange. Journal of Cryptology. 20(1):85-113.
Katz J.  2007.  Universally composable multi-party computation using tamper-proof hardware. Advances in Cryptology-EUROCRYPT 2007. :115-128.
Katz B, Jimmy Lin, Felshin S.  2001.  Gathering knowledge for a question answering system from heterogeneous information sources. Proceedings of the workshop on Human Language Technology and Knowledge Management - Volume 2001. :9:1–9:8-9:1–9:8.
Katz J.  2005.  Comparative book review: Cryptography: An Introduction by V. V. Yaschenko (American Mathematical Society, 2002); Cryptanalysis of Number Theoretic Ciphers by S.S. Wagstaff, Jr. (Chapman & Hall/CRC Press, 2003); RSA and Public-Key Cryptography by R. A.. SIGACT News. 36(2):14-19.
Katz J.  2002.  Efficient Cryptographic Protocols Preventing “Man-in-the-Middle” Attacks.
Katz J, Yung M.  2003.  Scalable protocols for authenticated group key exchange. Advances in Cryptology-CRYPTO 2003. :110-125.
Katz J.  2010.  Public-Key Cryptography. Handbook of Information and Communication Security. :21-34.
Katz J, Sahai A, Waters B.  2008.  Predicate encryption supporting disjunctions, polynomial equations, and inner products. Proceedings of the theory and applications of cryptographic techniques 27th annual international conference on Advances in cryptology. :146-162.
Katz J, Vaikuntanathan V.  2009.  Smooth projective hashing and password-based authenticated key exchange from lattices. Advances in Cryptology–ASIACRYPT 2009. :636-652.
Katz J, Schröder D, Yerukhimovich A.  2011.  Impossibility of blind signatures from one-way permutations. Theory of Cryptography. :615-629.
Katz J, MacKenzie P, Taban G, Gligor V.  2012.  Two-server password-only authenticated key exchange. Journal of Computer and System Sciences. 78(2):651-669.
Katz B, Jimmy Lin, Quan D.  2010.  Natural language annotations for the Semantic Web. On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems 2002: CoopIS, DOA, and ODBASE. :1317-1331.
Katz J, Myers S, Ostrovsky R.  2001.  Cryptographic counters and applications to electronic voting. Advances in Cryptology—Eurocrypt 2001. :78-92.
Katz J, Yung M.  2006.  Characterization of security notions for probabilistic private-key encryption. Journal of Cryptology. 19(1):67-95.
Katz J.  2012.  Review of efficient secure two-party protocols: techniques and constructions by Carmit Hazay and Yehuda Lindell. SIGACT News. 43(1):21-23.
Katz J, Koo C-Y, Kumaresan R.  2009.  Improving the round complexity of VSS in point-to-point networks. Information and Computation. 207(8):889-899.
Katz J, Ostrovsky R, Smith A.  2003.  Round efficiency of multi-party computation with a dishonest majority. Proceedings of the 22nd international conference on Theory and applications of cryptographic techniques. :578-595.
