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Doermann D.  1993.  Document Image Understanding: Integrating Recovery and Interpretation.
Doermann D, Rivlin E, Rosenfeld A.  1998.  The function of documents. Image and Vision Computing. 16(11):799-814.
Doermann D, Varma V.  1992.  Simulating Pressure Variations in Handwriting. Proceedings of the Twenty-Third Annual Modeling and Simulation Conference. :2141-2148.
Doermann D, Mihalcik D.  2000.  Tools and Techniques for Video Performances Evaluation. ICPR. 4:167-170.
Doermann D, Rivlin E, Weiss I.  1993.  Logo Recognition using Geomentric Invariants. ICDAR. :894-897.
Doermann D.  1994.  Document Understanding at Maryland. IUW. :817-826.
Doermann D, Sauvola J, Haapakoski S, Kauniskangas H, Seppanen T, Pietikainen M.  1997.  ADistributed Management System for Testing Document Image Database Analysis Algorithms. ICDAR. :989-995.
Doermann D, Rosenfeld A.  1993.  The Interpretation and Recognition of Interfering Strokes. IWFHR. :41-50.
Doermann D.  1998.  Document Image Understanding - 1997. LAMP-TR-025,CFAR-TR-897,CS-TR-3936
Doermann D, Rosenfeld A.  1992.  Temporal clues in handwriting. Pattern Recognition, 1992. Vol.II. Conference B: Pattern Recognition Methodology and Systems, Proceedings., 11th IAPR International Conference on. :317-320.
Doermann D, Rosenfeld A.  1990.  Mailpiece Preprocessing: The population of Character Parts. ATC. :961-972.
Doermann D, Sauvola J, Kauniskangas H, Shin C, Pietikainen M, Rosenfeld A.  1996.  The Development of a General Framework for Intelligent Document Image Retrieval. Proceedings in the International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems. :605-632.
Doermann D, Zi G.  2003.  Groundtruth Image Generation from Electronic Text (Demonstration). Symposium on Document Image Understanding Technology. :309-312.
Doermann D, Karunanidhi A.  2003.  Video Analysis for Pervasive Environments. ICME. 2:161-164.
Doermann D, Rivlin E, Weiss I.  1993.  Logo Recognition. CS-TR-3145
Doermann D.  1997.  Document Understanding - 1996. LAMP-TR-008,CFAR-TR-853,CS-TR-3775
Doermann D.  1998.  The Indexing and Retrieval of Document Images: A Survey. Computer Vision and Image Understanding. 70(3):287-298.
Doermann D, DeMenthon D.  2000.  Data and Content Based Adaptation for Video Over Low Bandwidth Networks. SPIE- Multimedia and Systems Applicaitons III. :69-78.
Doermann D, Intrator N, Rivin E, Steinherz T.  2002.  Hidden loop recovery for handwriting recognition. Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition, 2002. Proceedings. Eighth International Workshop on. :375-380.
Doermann D, Li H, Kia O.  1997.  The Detection of Duplicates in Document Image Databases. ICDAR. :314-318.
Doermann D.  1997.  The Retrieval of Document Images: ABrief Survey. ICDAR. :945-949.
Doermann D, Rosenfeld A.  1994.  Recovery of Temporal Information from Static Images of Handwriting. International Journal of Computer Vision. 52(1-2):143-164.
Doermann D, Rivlin E, Rosenfeld A.  1996.  The Function of Documents. LAMP-TR-002,CFAR-TR-841,CS-TR-3697
Dodis Y, Katz J.  2005.  Chosen-ciphertext security of multiple encryption. Theory of Cryptography. :188-209.
Dodis Y, Katz J, Xu S, Yung M.  2002.  Key-insulated public key cryptosystems. Advances in Cryptology—Eurocrypt 2002. :65-82.
