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Elman H.  1994.  Iterative methods for linear systems. Large-Scale Matrix Problems and the Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations. 3:69-177.
Elman H, Howle VE, Shadid J, Silvester D, Tuminaro R.  2007.  Least squares preconditioners for stabilized discretizations of the Navier-Stokes equations. SIAM J. Sci. Comput. 30(1):290-311.
Elman H.  1999.  Preconditioning for the steady-state Navier-Stokes equations with low viscosity. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing. 20(4):1299-1316.
Elman H, O'Leary DP.  1998.  Efficient Iterative Solution of the Three-Dimensional Helmholtz Equation. Journal of Computational Physics. 142(1):163-181.
Elman H.  1989.  Relaxed and stabilized incomplete factorizations for non-self-adjoint linear systems. BIT Numerical Mathematics. 29(4):890-915.
Elman H.  2005.  Preconditioning strategies for models of incompressible flow. Journal of Scientific Computing. 25(1):347-366.
Elman H.  1989.  Approximate Schur Complement Preconditioners on Serial and Parallel Computers. SIAM Journal on Scientific and Statistical ComputingSIAM J. Sci. and Stat. Comput.. 10(3):581-581.
Elman H, Howle VE, Shadid J, Tuminaro R.  2002.  A Parallel Block Multi-level Preconditioner for the 3D Incompressible Navier--Stokes Equations. UMIACS-TR-2002-95
Elman H, Ramage A.  2003.  An Analysis of Smoothing Effects of Upwinding Strategies for the Convection-Diffusion Equation. SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis. 40(1):254-281.
Elman H.  1997.  Iterative Methods for Linear and Nonlinear Equations.. 66
Elman H, Ernst OG, O’Leary DP, Stewart M.  2005.  Efficient iterative algorithms for the stochastic finite element method with application to acoustic scattering. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 194(9–11):1037-1055.
Elman H, Golub GH, Starke G.  1994.  On the convergence of line iterative methods for cyclically reduced non-symmetrizable linear systems. Numerische Mathematik. 67(2):177-190.
Elman H, Guo X-Z.  1993.  Performance Enhancements and Parallel Algorithms for Two Multilevel Preconditioners. SIAM Journal on Scientific ComputingSIAM J. Sci. Comput.. 14(4):890-890.
Elman H, Lee DK-Y.  1995.  Use of linear algebra kernels to build an efficient finite element solver. Parallel Computing. 21(1):161-173.
Elman H.  1996.  Multigrid and Krylov subspace methods for the discrete Stokes equations. International journal for numerical methods in fluids. 22(8):755-770.
Elman H, Streit R.  1986.  Polynomial iteration for nonsymmetric indefinite linear systems. Numerical Analysis. :103-117.
Elman H, Silvester D.  1996.  Fast nonsymmetric iterations and preconditioning for Navier-Stokes equations. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing. 17(1):33-46.
Elman H, Silvester DJ, Wathen AJ.  2002.  Block preconditioners for the discrete incompressible Navier–Stokes equations. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids. 40(3‐4):333-344.
Elman H, Silvester DJ, Wathen AJ.  1997.  Iterative methods for problems in computational fluid dynamics. Iterative Methods in Scientific Computing. :271-327.
Elman H, Agrón E.  1989.  Ordering techniques for the preconditioned conjugate gradient method on parallel computers. Computer Physics Communications. 53(1-3):253-269.
Elman H, Schultz MH.  1986.  Preconditioning by Fast Direct Methods for Nonself-Adjoint Nonseparable Elliptic Equations. SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis. 23(1):44-57.
Elman H.  1986.  A Stability Analysis of Incomplete LU Factorizations. Mathematics of Computation. 47(175):191-217.
Elman H, Silvester DJ, Wathen AJ.  2002.  Performance and analysis of saddle point preconditioners for the discrete steady-state Navier-Stokes equations. Numerische Mathematik. 90(4):665-688.
Elman H, Ernst OG, O'Leary DP, others.  2002.  A multigrid method enhanced by Krylov subspace iteration for discrete Helmholtz equations. SIAM Journal on scientific computing. 23(4):1291-1315.
Ellis J, Tran C, Ryoo J, Shneiderman B.  1998.  Buttons vs. menus: An exploratory study of pull-down menu selection as compared to button bars. Technical Reports of the Computer Science Department.
