2011. Modeling Multiresolution 3D Scalar Fields through Regular Simplex Bisection. Scientific Visualization: Interactions, Features, Metaphors. 2:360-377.
2011. Modeling temporal correlations in content fingerprints. Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2011 IEEE International Conference on. :1860-1863.
2011. MOMMIE Knows Best: Systematic Optimizations for Verifiable Distributed Algorithms. HotOS'13 Proceedings of the 13th USENIX Conference on Hot Topics in Operating Systems . :30-30.
2011. Motivation for Participation in Online Neighborhood Watch Communities: An Empirical Study Involving Invitation Letters. Privacy, Security, Risk and Trust (PASSAT), 2011 IEEE Third International Conference on and 2011 IEEE Third International Confernece on Social Computing (SocialCom). :760-765.
2011. Multi-agent event recognition in structured scenarios. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2011 IEEE Conference on. :3289-3296.
2011. MultiOtter: Multiprocess Symbolic Execution. Technical Reports of the Computer Science Department.
2011. Multithreaded Simulation for Synchronous Dataflow Graphs. ACM Trans. Des. Autom. Electron. Syst.. 16(3):25:1-25:23.
2011. NetVisia: Heat Map & Matrix Visualization of Dynamic Social Network Statistics & Content. Privacy, Security, Risk and Trust (PASSAT), 2011 IEEE Third International Conference on and 2011 IEEE Third International Confernece on Social Computing (SocialCom). :19-26.
2011. Network Clustering Approximation Algorithm Using One Pass Black Box Sampling. arXiv:1110.3563.
2011. New models and algorithms for throughput maximization in broadcast scheduling. Approximation and Online Algorithms. :71-82.
2011. No-reference image quality assessment based on visual codebook. Image Processing (ICIP), 2011 18th IEEE International Conference on. :3089-3092.
2011. Nouveau-ROUGE: A Novelty Metric for Update Summarization. Computational Linguistics. 37(1):1-8.
2011. A novel feature descriptor based on the shearlet transform. Image Processing (ICIP), 2011 18th IEEE International Conference on. :1033-1036.
2011. NSF/IEEE-TCPP curriculum initiative on parallel and distributed computing: core topics for undergraduates. Proceedings of the 42nd ACM technical symposium on Computer science education. :617-618.
2011. On the Numerical Analysis of Oblique Projectors. SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications. 32(1):309-348.
2011. Object Detection and Tracking for Intelligent Video Surveillance. Multimedia Analysis, Processing and Communications. :265-288.
2011. Oblivious RAM with O((logN)^3) Worst-Case Cost. Advances in Cryptology – ASIACRYPT 2011. 7073:197-214.
2011. Occurrence of Vibrio cholerae in Municipal and Natural Waters and Incidence of Cholera in Azerbaijan. EcoHealth. (4):468-477.
2011. Odd Leaf Out: Improving Visual Recognition with Games. Privacy, security, risk and trust (passat), 2011 ieee third international conference on and 2011 ieee third international conference on social computing (socialcom). :87-94.
2011. Offline Writer Identification using K-Adjacent Segments. International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition. :769-773.
2011. Optimal Verification of Operations on Dynamic Sets. Advances in Cryptology – CRYPTO 2011. :91-110.