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Author Title Type [ Year(Asc)]
Bambha NK, Bhattacharyya SS, STUDIES MARYLAND UNIV COLLEGE PARK INST FOR ADVANCED COMPUTER.  2006.  System synthesis for optically-connected, multiprocessors on-chip.
Parhi P, Karlson AK, Bederson BB.  2006.  Target size study for one-handed thumb use on small touchscreen devices. Proceedings of the 8th conference on Human-computer interaction with mobile devices and services. :203-210.
Lee B, Plaisant C, Parr C S, Fekete J-D, Henry N.  2006.  Task taxonomy for graph visualization. Proceedings of the 2006 AVI workshop on BEyond time and errors: novel evaluation methods for information visualization. :1-5.
Lim S-N, Mittal A, Davis LS.  2006.  Task-Driven Video Collection. Technical Reports from UMIACS.
Porter A, Yilmaz C, Memon AM, Krishna AS, Schmidt DC, Gokhale A.  2006.  Techniques and processes for improving the quality and performance of open-source software. Software Process: Improvement and Practice. 11(2):163-176.
Shneiderman B.  2006.  A telescope for high-dimensional data. Computing in Science & Engineering. 8(2):48-53.
Perlis D.  2006.  Theory and Application of Self-Reference: Logic and Beyond. Self-reference. 178:121-121.
Piatetsky-Shapiro G, Grossman R, Djeraba C, Feldman R, Getoor L, Zaki M.  2006.  Is there a grand challenge or X-prize for data mining? Proceedings of the 12th ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge discovery and data mining. :954-956.
Zhuolin Jiang, Li S-F, Gao D-F.  2006.  A Time Saving Method for Human Detection in Wide Angle Camera Images. Machine Learning and Cybernetics, 2006 International Conference on. :4029-4034.
Shet VD, Harwood D, Davis LS.  2006.  Top-down, bottom-up multivalued default reasoning for identity maintenance. Proceedings of the 4th ACM international workshop on Video surveillance and sensor networks. :79-86.
Conroy JM, Schlesinger JD, O'Leary DP.  2006.  Topic-focused multi-document summarization using an approximate oracle score. Proceedings of the COLING/ACL on Main conference poster sessions. :152-159.
De Floriani L, Hui A, Papaleo L.  2006.  Topology-based reasoning on non-manifold shapes. Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Shapes and Semantics, Matsushima, Japan.
Sherwood R, Spring N.  2006.  Touring the internet in a TCP sidecar. Proceedings of the 6th ACM SIGCOMM conference on Internet measurement. :339-344.
Haas SW, Denn S, Locke D, Shneiderman B, Brown L.  2006.  Toward an enriched (and revitalized) sense of help: Summary of an ASIS&T 2005 panel session. Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science and Technology. 32(5):23-26.
Guerra-Filho G, Aloimonos Y.  2006.  Towards a sensorimotor WordNet SM: Closing the semantic gap. Proc. of the International WordNet Conference (GWC).
Gross KC, Urmanov A, Votta LG, McMaster S, Porter A.  2006.  Towards Dependability in Everyday Software Using Software Telemetry. Engineering of Autonomic and Autonomous Systems, IEEE International Workshop on. :9-18.
Alam M, Sultana M, Nair BG, Sack BR, Sack DA, Siddique AK, Ali A, Huq A, Colwell RR.  2006.  Toxigenic Vibrio Cholerae in the Aquatic Environment of Mathbaria, Bangladesh. Applied and Environmental MicrobiologyAppl. Environ. Microbiol.. 72(4):2849-2855.
Abd-Almageed W, Hussein M, Davis LS.  2006.  Tracking Articulating Objects from Ground Vehicles using Mixtures of Mixtures. Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2006 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on. :1230-1236.
Hannenhalli S, Putt ME, Gilmore JM, Wang J, Parmacek MS, Epstein JA, Morrisey EE, Margulies KB, Cappola TP.  2006.  Transcriptional Genomics Associates FOX Transcription Factors With Human Heart Failure. Circulation. 114(12):1269-1276.
Lee B, Parr CS, Plaisant C, Bederson BB, Veksler VD, Gray WD, Kotfila C.  2006.  TreePlus: Interactive Exploration of Networks with Enhanced Tree Layouts. Visualization and Computer Graphics, IEEE Transactions on. 12(6):1414-1426.
Hicks B, King D, McDaniel P, Hicks MW.  2006.  Trusted declassification:: high-level policy for a security-typed language. Proceedings of the 2006 workshop on Programming languages and analysis for security. :65-74.
Bringaud F, Bartholomeu DC, Blandin G, Delcher A, Baltz T, El-Sayed NM, Ghedin E.  2006.  The Trypanosoma cruzi L1Tc and NARTc non-LTR retrotransposons show relative site specificity for insertion. Molecular biology and evolution. 23(2):411-411.
Westenberger S, Cerqueira G, El-Sayed NM, Zingales B, Campbell D, Sturm N.  2006.  Trypanosoma cruzi mitochondrial maxicircles display species- and strain-specific variation and a conserved element in the non-coding region. BMC Genomics. 7(1):60-60.
Martin, M.P, Smits A, Wu M, Ringuette M.  2006.  The turbulence structure of shockwave and boundary layer interaction in a compression corner. 44th AIAA Aerospace Meeting and Exhibit. 2006
Zhou KS, Chellappa R, Zhao W.  2006.  Unconstrained face recognition.
