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Cuntoor NP, Yegnanarayana B, Chellappa R.  2005.  Interpretation of state sequences in HMM for activity representation. Proc. IEEE Conf. Acoustic Speech and Signal Processing. 2:709-712.
Cuntoor NP, Chellappa R.  2007.  Epitomic Representation of Human Activities. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2007. CVPR '07. IEEE Conference on. :1-8.
Cuntoor NP, Chellappa R.  2007.  Coarse-to-Fine Event Model for Human Activities. Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, 2007. ICASSP 2007. IEEE International Conference on. 1:I-813-I-816-I-813-I-816.
Cuntoor NP, Chellappa R.  2007.  Mixed-state models for nonstationary multiobject activities. EURASIP J. Appl. Signal Process.. 2007(1):106-106.
Cuntoor NP, Yegnanarayana B, Chellappa R.  2008.  Activity Modeling Using Event Probability Sequences. Image Processing, IEEE Transactions on. 17(4):594-607.
Cuntoor N, Kale A, Chellappa R.  2003.  Combining multiple evidences for gait recognition. Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 2003. Proceedings. (ICASSP '03). 2003 IEEE International Conference on. 3:III-33-6vol.3-III-33-6vol.3.
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Cunha Í, Teixeira R, Feamster N, Diot C.  2008.  Distinguishing persistent failures from transient losses. Proceedings of the 2008 ACM CoNEXT Conference. :50:1–50:2-50:1–50:2.
Cummings MP, Neel MC, Shaw KL.  2008.  A GENEALOGICAL APPROACH TO QUANTIFYING LINEAGE DIVERGENCE. Evolution. 62(9):2411-2422.
Cummings MP, Meyer A.  2005.  Magic bullets and golden rules: data sampling in molecular phylogenetics. Zoology (Jena). 108(4):329-336.
Cummings MP, Handley SA, Myers DS, Reed DL, Rokas A, Winka K.  2003.  Comparing bootstrap and posterior probability values in the four-taxon case. Syst Biol. 52(4):477-487.
Cummings MP, Welschmeyer NA.  1998.  Pigment composition of putatively achlorophyllous angiosperms. Plant Syst Evol. 210(1-2):105-111.
Cummings MP.  2004.  A book like its cover. Heredity. 93(2):234-235.
Cummings MP, Huskamp JC.  2005.  Grid computing. EDUCAUSE Review. 40:116-117.
Cummings MP, King LM, Kellogg EA.  1994.  Slipped-strand mispairing in a plastid gene: ıt rpoC2 in grasses (Poaceae). Mol Biol Evol. 11(1):1-8.
Cummings MP, Otto SP, Wakeley J.  1999.  Genes and other samples of DNA sequence data for phylogenetic inference. The Biological Bulletin. 196(3):345-350.
Cummings MP, Myers DS.  2004.  Simple statistical models predict C-to-U edited sites in plant mitochondrial RNA. BMC Bioinformatics. 5:132-132.
Cummings MP, Temple GG.  2010.  Broader incorporation of bioinformatics in education: opportunities and challenges. Brief Bioinform. 11(537-543)
Cummings MP, Nugent JM, Olmstead RG, Palmer JD.  2003.  Phylogenetic analysis reveals five independent transfers of the chloroplast gene ıt rbcL to the mitochondrial genome in angiosperms. Curr Genet. 43(2):131-138.
Cummings MP, Segal MR.  2004.  Few amino acid positions in ıt rpoB are associated with most of the rifampin resistance in ıt Mycobacterium tuberculosis. BMC Bioinformatics. 5:137-137.
Cummings MP, Otto SP, Wakeley J.  1995.  Sampling properties of DNA sequence data in phylogenetic analysis. Mol Biol Evol. 12(5):814-822.
Cummings MP, Myers DS, Mangelson M.  2004.  Applying permutation tests to tree-based statistical models: extending the R package rpart. 2004-24
Cummings MP, Clegg MT.  1998.  Nucleotide sequence diversity at the alcohol dehydrogenase 1 locus in wild barley (ıt Hordeum vulgare ssp. ıt spontaneum): an evaluation of the background selection hypothesis. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 95(10):5637-5642.
Cummings MP.  1994.  Transmission patterns of eukaryotic transposable elements - arguments for and against horizontal transfer. Trends Ecol Evol. 9(4):141-145.
