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Conference Papers
Rodrigues P, Zajic D, Bloodgood M, Ye P, Doermann D.  2011.  Detecting Structural Irregularity in Electronic Dictionaries Using Language Modeling. Electronic lexicography in the 21st century: new applications for new users (eLEX2011). :227-232.
Albanese M, Moscato V, Picariello A, V.S. Subrahmanian, Udrea O.  2007.  Detecting stochastically scheduled activities in video. International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. :1802-1807.
Hao S, Syed N A, Feamster N, Gray AG, Krasser S.  2009.  Detecting spammers with SNARE: spatio-temporal network-level automatic reputation engine. Proceedings of the 18th conference on USENIX security symposium. :101-118.
Shiv Naga Prasad V, Davis LS.  2005.  Detecting rotational symmetries. Computer Vision, 2005. ICCV 2005. Tenth IEEE International Conference on. 2:954-961Vol.2-954-961Vol.2.
Bin Tariq M, Motiwala M, Feamster N, Ammar M.  2009.  Detecting network neutrality violations with causal inference. Proceedings of the 5th international conference on Emerging networking experiments and technologies. :289-300.
Shankar U, Talwar K, Foster JS, Wagner D.  2001.  Detecting format string vulnerabilities with type qualifiers. Proceedings of the 10th conference on USENIX Security Symposium-Volume 10. :16-16.
Feamster N, Balakrishnan H.  2005.  Detecting BGP configuration faults with static analysis. Proceedings of the 2nd conference on Symposium on Networked Systems Design & Implementation - Volume 2. :43-56.
Bederson BB, Quinn A, Druin A.  2009.  Designing the reading experience for scanned multi-lingual picture books on mobile phones. Proceedings of the 9th ACM/IEEE-CS joint conference on Digital libraries. :305-308.
Benford S, Bederson BB, \AAkesson KP, Bayon V, Druin A, Hansson P, Hourcade JP, Ingram R, Neale H, O'Malley C et al..  2000.  Designing storytelling technologies to encouraging collaboration between young children. Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems. :556-563.
Alborzi H, Druin A, Montemayor J, Platner M, Porteous J, Sherman L, Boltman A, Taxén G, Best J, Hammer J et al..  2000.  Designing StoryRooms: interactive storytelling spaces for children. Proceedings of the 3rd conference on Designing interactive systems: processes, practices, methods, and techniques. :95-104.
Druin A, Montemayor J, Hendler J, McAlister B, Boltman A, Fiterman E, Plaisant A, Kruskal A, Olsen H, Revett I et al..  1999.  Designing PETS: a personal electronic teller of stories. Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems: the CHI is the limit. :326-329.
Scarlatos LL, Darken RP, Harada K, Heeter C, Muller R, Shneiderman B.  1997.  Designing interactive multimedia (panel). Proceedings of the fifth ACM international conference on Multimedia. :215-218.
Kules B, Shneiderman B.  2003.  Designing a metadata-driven visual information browser for federal statistics. Proceedings of the 2003 annual national conference on Digital government research. :1-6.
Shen C-C, Wu H-H, Sane N, Plishker W, Bhattacharyya SS.  2011.  A design tool for efficient mapping of multimedia applications onto heterogeneous platforms. 2011 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME). :1-6.
Nikolova S, Boyd-Graber J, Cook PR.  2009.  The design of ViVA: a mixed-initiative visual vocabulary for aphasia. Proceedings of the 27th international conference extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems. :4015-4020.
Plaisant C, Rose A, Rubloff G, Salter R, Shneiderman B.  1999.  The design of history mechanisms and their use in collaborative educational simulations. Proceedings of the 1999 conference on Computer support for collaborative learning.
Froehlich J, Findlater L, Landay J.  2010.  The design of eco-feedback technology. Proceedings of the 28th international conference on Human factors in computing systems. :1999-2008.
Beynon MD, Kurc T, Sussman A, Saltz J.  2000.  Design of a Framework for Data-Intensive Wide-Area Applications. Heterogeneous Computing Workshop. :116-116.
Cho I, Shen C-C, Potbhare S, Bhattacharyya SS, Goldsman N.  2011.  Design methods for Wireless Sensor Network Building Energy Monitoring Systems. 2011 IEEE 36th Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN). :974-981.
Nau DS, Ball MO, Gupta SK, Minis IE, Zhang G.  1994.  Design for manufacture in multi-enterprise partnerships: current status and future directions. :117-125.
Wu H-H, Shen C-C, Bhattacharyya SS, Compton K, Schulte M, Wolf M, Zhang T.  2010.  Design and implementation of real-time signal processing applications on heterogeneous multiprocessor arrays. 2010 Conference Record of the Forty Fourth Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers (ASILOMAR). :2121-2125.
Caesar M, Caldwell D, Feamster N, Rexford J, Shaikh A, van der Merwe J.  2005.  Design and implementation of a routing control platform. Proceedings of the 2nd conference on Symposium on Networked Systems Design & Implementation - Volume 2. :15-28.
Bejgerowski W, Gerdes JW, Gupta SK, Bruck HA, Wilkerson S.  2010.  Design and Fabrication of a Multi-Material Compliant Flapping Wing Drive Mechanism for Miniature Air Vehicles. :69-80.
Froehlich J, Findlater L, Ostergren M, Ramanathan S, Peterson J, Wragg I, Larson E, Fu F, Bai M, Patel S.  2012.  The design and evaluation of prototype eco-feedback displays for fixture-level water usage data. :2367-2376.
Tanin E, Beigel R, Shneiderman B.  1997.  Design and evaluation of incremental data structures and algorithms for dynamic query interfaces. IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization, 1997. Proceedings. :81-86.
