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Baras JS, Ball M, Karne RK, Kelley S, Jang KD, Plaisant C, Roussopoulos N, Stathatos K, Vakhutinsky A, Valluri J.  1996.  Hybrid network management (communication systems). 16th AIAA International Communications Satellite Systems Conference.
Zheng J, Cahill SM, Lemmon MA, Fushman D, Schlessinger J, Cowburn D.  1996.  Identification of the Binding Site for Acidic Phospholipids on the PH Domain of Dynamin: Implications for Stimulation of GTPase Activity. Journal of Molecular Biology. 255(1):14-21.
Tanin E, Beigel R, Shneiderman B.  1996.  Incremental data structures and algorithms for dynamic query interfaces. ACM SIGMOD Record. 25(4):21-24.
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Baras JS, Ball M, Karne RK, Kelley S, Jang KD, Plaisant C, Roussopoulos N, Stathatos K, Vakhutinsky A, Jaibharat V et al..  1996.  Integrated network management of hybrid networks. AIP Conference Proceedings. 361(1):345-350.
Fermüller C, Aloimonos Y, Cheong L.  1996.  Interaction between 3D Shape and Motion: Theory and Applications.
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Reggia JA, Grundstrom E, Berndt RS.  1996.  Learning activation rules for associative networks. Neural Networks, 1996., IEEE International Conference on. 1:365-370.
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Plaisant C, Milash B, Rose A, Widoff S, Shneiderman B.  1996.  LifeLines: visualizing personal histories. Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems: common ground. :221-227.
Bederson BB, Hollan JD, Druin A, Stewart J, Rogers D, Proft D.  1996.  Local tools: an alternative to tool palettes. Proceedings of the 9th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology. :169-170.
Minker J.  1996.  Logic and databases: A 20 year retrospective. Logic in Databases. :1-57.
Agrawala AK, Tripathi SK.  1996.  MARUTI at ARDEC..
Basri R, Jacobs DW.  1996.  Matching convex polygons and polyhedra, allowing for occlusion. Applied Computational Geometry Towards Geometric Engineering. :133-147.
Florescu D, Raschid L, Valduriez P.  1996.  A methodology for query reformulation in CIS using semantic knowledge. International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems. 5(4):431-468.
Minker J, Ruiz C.  1996.  Mixing a default rule with stable negation. Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Mathematics. :122-125.
Fernandez JA, Grant J, Minker J.  1996.  Model theoretic approach to view updates in deductive databases. Journal of Automated Reasoning. 17(2):171-197.
Cleaveland R, Natarajan V, Sims S, Luettgen G.  1996.  Modeling and verifying distributed systems using priorities: A case study. Software - Concepts and Tools. 17(2):50-62.
Waheed A, Rover DT, Hollingsworth J.  1996.  Modeling, Evaluation, and Testing of Paradyn Instrumentation System. Proceedings of the 1996 ACM/IEEE Conference on Supercomputing, 1996. :18-18.
Zelkowitz MV.  1996.  Modeling software engineering environment capabilities. Journal of Systems and Software. 35(1):3-14.
Elman H.  1996.  Multigrid and Krylov subspace methods for the discrete Stokes equations. International journal for numerical methods in fluids. 22(8):755-770.
Dorr BJ, Voss CR.  1996.  A Multi-Level Approach to Interlingual MT: Defining the Interface between Representational Languages. International Journal of Expert Systems. 9(1):15-51.
Dorr BJ, Olsen M B.  1996.  Multilingual generation: The role of telicity in lexical choice and syntactic realization. Machine Translation. 11(1):37-74.
Cleaveland R, Sims S.  1996.  The NCSU concurrency workbench. Computer Aided Verification. :394-397.
Ruppin E, Reggia JA, Horn D.  1996.  A neural model of positive schizophrenic symptoms. Schizophrenia Bulletin. 22(1):105-123.
