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Ruiz C, Minker J.  1997.  Combining Closed World Assumptions with Stable Negation. Fundamenta Informaticae. 32(2):163-181.
Morasca S, Briand LC, Basili VR, Weyuker EJ, Zelkowitz MV, Kitchenham B, Lawrence Pfleeger S, Fenton N.  1997.  Comments on "Towards a framework for software measurement validation". Software Engineering, IEEE Transactions on. 23(3):187-189.
Slaughters L, Shneiderman B, Marchionini G.  1997.  Comprehension and object recognition capabilities for presentations of simultaneous video key frame surrogates. Research and Advanced Technology for Digital LibrariesResearch and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries. 1324:41-54.
Kobla V, Doermann D, Lin K-I, Faloutsos C.  1997.  Compressed Domain video indexing techniques using DCT and motion vector information in MPEG video. Proceedings of SPIE - conference on Storage and Retrieval for Image and Video Databases V. :200-211.
Goodall S, Reggia JA, Chen Y, Ruppin E, Whitney C.  1997.  A computational model of acute focal cortical lesions. Stroke. 28(1):101-101.
Reggia JA, Ruppin E, Berndt RS.  1997.  Computer models: A new approach to the investigation of disease. MD Computing. 14:160-168.
Fermüller C, Aloimonos Y.  1997.  The confounding of translation and rotation in reconstruction from multiple views. , 1997 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 1997. Proceedings. :250-256.
Perlis D.  1997.  Consciousness as self-function. Journal of Consciousness Studies, 4. 5(6):509-525.
Basri R, Jacobs DW.  1997.  Constancy and similarity. Computer Vision and Image Understanding. 65(3):447-449.
Srinivasan A, Teo C-P.  1997.  A constant-factor approximation algorithm for packet routing, and balancing local vs. global criteria. Proceedings of the twenty-ninth annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing. :636-643.
Kauniskangas H, Sauvola J, Pietikainen M, Doermann D.  1997.  Content-based Image Retrieval Using Composite Features. Proceedings of the 1997 Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis. :35-42.
El-Sana J, Varshney A.  1997.  Controlled simplification of genus for polygonal models. Visualization '97., Proceedings. :403-410.
Catarci T, Costabile MF, Cruz IF, Ioannidis Y, Shneiderman B.  1997.  Data models, visual representations, metaphors: how to solve the puzzle? (panel) Proceedings of the third IFIP WG2.6 working conference on Visual database systems 3 (VDB-3). :177-182.
Dorr BJ, Olsen M B.  1997.  Deriving verbal and compositional lexical aspect for NLP applications. Proceedings of the 35th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and Eighth Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics. :151-158.
Tanin E, Beigel R, Shneiderman B.  1997.  Design and evaluation of incremental data structures and algorithms for dynamic query interfaces. IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization, 1997. Proceedings. :81-86.
Shneiderman B.  1997.  Designing information-abundant web sites: issues and recommendations. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies. 47(1):5-29.
Scarlatos LL, Darken RP, Harada K, Heeter C, Muller R, Shneiderman B.  1997.  Designing interactive multimedia (panel). Proceedings of the fifth ACM international conference on Multimedia. :215-218.
Doermann D, Li H, Kia O.  1997.  The Detection of Duplicates in Document Image Databases. ICDAR. :314-318.
Dorr BJ.  1997.  Development of an object oriented parser/generator, ontologies, and privative aspectual features for interlingual lexical conceptual structures.
Shneiderman B.  1997.  Direct manipulation for comprehensible, predictable and controllable user interfaces. Proceedings of the 2nd international conference on Intelligent user interfaces. :33-39.
Shneiderman B.  1997.  Direct manipulation versus agents: Paths to predictable, controllable, and comprehensible interfaces. Software agentsSoftware agents. :97-106.
Shneiderman B, Maes P.  1997.  Direct manipulation vs. interface agents. Interactions. 4(6):42-61.
Fermüller C, Aloimonos Y.  1997.  DIRECT MOTION PERCEPTION. Visual navigation: from biological systems to unmanned ground vehicles. :135-135.
Naacke H, Kapitskaia O, Tomasic A, Bonnet P, Raschid L, Amouroux R.  1997.  The distributed information search component (disco) and the world wide web. Proc. of ACM SIGMOD Conf. on Management of Data.
Doermann D.  1997.  Document Understanding - 1996. LAMP-TR-008,CFAR-TR-853,CS-TR-3775
