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Conference Papers
Arya S, Malamatos T, Mount D.  2000.  Nearly optimal expected-case planar point location. Foundations of Computer Science, 2000. Proceedings. 41st Annual Symposium on. :208-218.
Turaga P, Chellappa R.  2010.  Nearest-neighbor search algorithms on non-Euclidean manifolds for computer vision applications. Proceedings of the Seventh Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing. :282-289.
Cleaveland R, Sims S.  1996.  The NCSU concurrency workbench. Computer Aided Verification. :394-397.
Darsa L, Costa Silva B, Varshney A.  1997.  Navigating static environments using image-space simplification and morphing. Proceedings of the 1997 symposium on Interactive 3D graphics.
Straub P, Zelkowitz MV.  1992.  On the nature of bias and defects in the software specification process. Computer Software and Applications Conference, 1992. COMPSAC '92. Proceedings., Sixteenth Annual International. :17-24.
Shneiderman B.  1980.  Natural vs. precise concise languages for human operation of computers: research issues and experimental approaches. Proceedings of the 18th annual meeting on Association for Computational Linguistics. :139-141.
Froehlich J, Chen MY, Consolvo S, Harrison B, Landay JA.  2007.  MyExperience: a system for in situ tracing and capturing of user feedback on mobile phones. Proceedings of the 5th international conference on Mobile systems, applications and services. :57-70.
Stoyle G, Hicks MW, Bierman G, Sewell P, Neamtiu I.  2005.  Mutatis mutandis: safe and predictable dynamic software updating. Proceedings of the 32nd ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT symposium on Principles of programming languages. :183-194.
Stuckelberg MV, Doermann D.  1999.  On musical score recognition using probabilistic reasoning. Document Analysis and Recognition, 1999. ICDAR '99. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on. :115-118.
Eaton E, desJardins M, Jacob S.  2010.  Multi-view clustering with constraint propagation for learning with an incomplete mapping between views. Proceedings of the 19th ACM international conference on Information and knowledge management. :389-398.
Khan Z, Balch T, Dellaert F..  2005.  Multitarget tracking with split and merged measurements. IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2005. CVPR 2005. 1:605-610vol.1.
El-Alfy H, Jacobs DW, Davis LS.  2007.  Multi-scale video cropping. Proceedings of the 15th international conference on Multimedia. :97-106.
Danovaro E, De Floriani L, Vitali M, Magillo P.  2007.  Multi-scale dual morse complexes for representing terrain morphology. Proceedings of the 15th annual ACM international symposium on Advances in geographic information systems. :29:1–29:8-29:1–29:8.
Comic L, De Floriani L.  2008.  Multi-Scale 3D Morse Complexes. Computational Sciences and Its Applications, 2008. ICCSA '08. International Conference on. :441-451.
Roy SD, Tran SD, Davis LS, Vikram BS.  2008.  Multi-resolution Tracking in Space and Time. Computer Vision, Graphics Image Processing, 2008. ICVGIP '08. Sixth Indian Conference on. :352-358.
Danovaro E, De Floriani L, Lee M, Samet H.  2002.  Multiresolution tetrahedral meshes: an analysis and a comparison. Shape Modeling International, 2002. Proceedings. :83-91.
Fermüller C, Kropatsch W.  1992.  Multi-resolution shape description by corners. , 1992 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 1992. Proceedings CVPR '92. :271-276.
Danovaro E, De Floriani L, Puppo E, Samet H.  2005.  Multi-resolution out-of-core modeling of terrain and geological data. Proceedings of the 13th annual ACM international workshop on Geographic information systems. :143-152.
Danovaro E, De Floriani L, Vitali M.  2007.  Multi-resolution Morse-Smale Complexes for Terrain Modeling. Image Analysis and Processing, 2007. ICIAP 2007. 14th International Conference on. :337-342.
Danovaro E, De Floriani L, Magillo P, Vitali M.  2010.  Multiresolution morse triangulations. Proceedings of the 14th ACM Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling. :183-188.
Weiss K, De Floriani L, Mesmoudi MM.  2010.  Multiresolution analysis of 3D images based on discrete distortion. International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR). :4093-4096.
Getoor L.  2001.  Multi-relational data mining using probabilistic relational models: research summary. In Proceedings of the First Workshop in Multi-relational Data Mining.
Valancius V, Feamster N.  2007.  Multiplexing BGP sessions with BGP-Mux. Proceedings of the 2007 ACM CoNEXT conference. :44:1–44:2-44:1–44:2.
Zhou SK, Chellappa R.  2004.  Multiple-exemplar discriminant analysis for face recognition. Pattern Recognition, 2004. ICPR 2004. Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on. 4:191-194Vol.4-191-194Vol.4.
Sundaresan A, Chellappa R, RoyChowdhury R.  2004.  Multiple view tracking of humans modelled by kinematic chains. Image Processing, 2004. ICIP '04. 2004 International Conference on. 2:1009-1012Vol.2-1009-1012Vol.2.
