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De la Torre F, Yacoob Y, Davis LS.  2000.  A probabilistic framework for rigid and non-rigid appearance based tracking and recognition. Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition, 2000. Proceedings. Fourth IEEE International Conference on. :491-498.
Chang YH, Raschid L.  2000.  Producing Interoperable Queries for Relational and Object-Oriented Databases. Journal of Intelligent Information Systems. 14(1):51-75.
Spring N, Wetherall D.  2000.  A protocol-independent technique for eliminating redundant network traffic. ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review. 30(4):87-95.
Mount D, Netanyahu NS, Piatko CD, Silverman R, Wu AY.  2000.  Quantile approximation for robust statistical estimation and k-enclosing problems. International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications. 10(6):593-608.
Spring N, Chesire M, Berryman M, Sahasranaman V, Anderson T, Bershad B.  2000.  Receiver based management of low bandwidth access links. IEEE INFOCOM 2000. Nineteenth Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communications Societies. Proceedings. 1:245-254vol.1-245-254vol.1.
Gumerov NA.  2000.  Rectified Heat Transfer to Vapor Bubbles in Standing Acoustic Waves. Microgravity fluid physics and heat transfer: proceedings of the International Conference on Microgravity Fluid Physics and Heat Transfer held at the Tutle Bay Hilton, Oahu, Hawaii, September 19-24, 1999. :96-96.
Shneiderman B.  2000.  Report on closing the digital divide: meeting of the Deparment of Commerce, Washington, DC December 9, 1999. ACM SIGCHI Bulletin. 32(2):43-44.
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Kia OE, Doermann D.  2000.  Residual coding in document image compression. Image Processing, IEEE Transactions on. 9(6):961-969.
Dreyer M, Gomez RD, Mayergoyz ID.  2000.  Resolution enhancement by applying MFM under UHV conditions. Magnetics, IEEE Transactions on. 36(5):2975-2977.
Hollingsworth J, Keleher PJ, Ryu KD.  2000.  Resource-aware meta-computing. Emphasizing Distributed SystemsEmphasizing Distributed Systems. Volume 53:109-169.
Bhattacharyya SS, Sriram S, Lee EA.  2000.  Resynchronization for multiprocessor DSP systems. Circuits and Systems I: Fundamental Theory and Applications, IEEE Transactions on. 47(11):1597-1609.
Bai P, Prabhakaran B, Srinivasan A.  2000.  Retrieval scheduling for collaborative multimedia presentations. Multimedia Systems. 8(2):146-155.
Bangera R, Rand W.  2000.  Reverse Engineering and UML: A Case Study of AuctionBot. EECS 581
Weinberg A.  2000.  Review of "Architectures and mechanisms for language processing" by Matthew W. Crocker, Martin Pickering, and Charles Clifton. Cambridge University Press 2000.. Computational Linguistics. 26(4):648-651.
Royer EM, Toh CK, Hicks MW, Kakkar P, Moore JT, Hicks MW, Moore JT, Alexander DS, Gunter CA, Nettles S et al..  2000.  A Review of Current Routing Protocols for Ad Hoc. IEEE Personal Communications. 29:156-71.
Katz B, Jimmy Lin.  2000.  REXTOR: a system for generating relations from natural language. Proceedings of the ACL-2000 workshop on Recent advances in natural language processing and information retrieval: held in conjunction with the 38th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics - Volume 11. :67-77.
Black MJ, Fleet DJ, Yacoob Y.  2000.  Robustly estimating changes in image appearance. Computer Vision and Image Understanding. 78(1):8-31.
Lin CY, Wu M, Bloom JA, Cox IJ, Miller ML, Lui YM.  2000.  Rotation, scale, and translation resilient public watermarking for images. PROC SPIE INT SOC OPT ENG. 3971:90-98.
Crary K, Hicks MW, Weirich S.  2000.  Safe and Flexible Dynamic Linking of Native Code. Technical Reports (CIS).
Anagnostakis K, Hicks MW, Ioannidis S, Keromytis A, Smith J.  2000.  Scalable Resource Control in Active Networks. Active NetworksActive Networks. 1942:343-357.
Alexander DS, Arbaugh WA, Keromytis AD, Muir S, Smith JM.  2000.  Secure quality of service handling: SQoSH. IEEE Communications Magazine. 38(4):106-112.
Yao Z, Gupta SK, Nau DS.  2000.  Selecting Flat End Mills for 2-1/2D Milling Operations. ISR; TR 2000-41
Cleaveland R, L\üttgen G.  2000.  A semantic theory for heterogeneous system design. FST TCS 2000: Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science. :312-324.
Rose A, Salter R, Keswani S, Kositsyna N, Plaisant C, Rubloff G, Shneiderman B.  2000.  Simulation based learning environments and the use of learning histories. CHI '00 extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems. :2-3.
