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Bederson BB, Meyer J, Good L.  2000.  Jazz: an extensible zoomable user interface graphics toolkit in Java. Proceedings of the 13th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology. :171-180.
Zhang Z, JaJa JF, Bader DA, Kalluri SNV, Song H, El Saleous N, Vermote E, Townshend JRG.  2000.  Kronos: A software system for the processing and retrieval of large-scale AVHRR data sets. PE & RS- Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing. 66(9):1073-1082.
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Gruser JR, Raschid L, Zadorozhny V, Zhan T.  2000.  Learning response time for websources using query feedback and application in query optimization. The VLDB Journal—The International Journal on Very Large Data Bases. 9(1):18-37.
Bafna V, Hannenhalli S, Rice K, Vawter L.  2000.  Ligand-Receptor Pairing Via Tree Comparison. Journal of Computational Biology. 7(1-2):59-70.
Shneiderman B.  2000.  The limits of speech recognition. Communications of the ACM. 43(9):63-65.
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Kreitzberg CB, Shneiderman B.  2000.  Making Computer and Internet Usability a Priority. Technical Reports from UMIACS.
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Purang K, Traum D, Purushothaman D, Chong W, Okamato Y, Perlis D.  2000.  Meta-reasoning for intelligent dialog repair.
Rodrıguez-Martinez M, Roussopoulos N, McGann JM, Keyley S, Katz V, Song Z, JaJa JF.  2000.  MOCHA: a database middleware system featuring automatic deployment of application-specific functionality. Proceedings of the 2000 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, Dallas, Texas.
Rodríguez-Martínez M, Roussopoulos N.  2000.  MOCHA: a self-extensible database middleware system for distributed data sources. ACM SIGMOD Record. 29:213-224.
Korman CE, Adly AA, Mayergoyz ID, Rugkwamsook P.  2000.  A model for magnetic aftereffect in the presence of time varying demagnetizing fields. Magnetics, IEEE Transactions on. 36(5):3182-3184.
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Zitzler E, Teich J, Bhattacharyya SS.  2000.  Multidimensional exploration of software implementations for DSP algorithms. The Journal of VLSI Signal Processing. 24(1):83-98.
