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Pless R, Brodsky T, Aloimonos Y.  2000.  Detecting independent motion: The statistics of temporal continuity. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on. 22(8):768-773.
Shneiderman B, Kang H.  2000.  Direct annotation: a drag-and-drop strategy for labeling photos. IEEE International Conference on Information Visualization, 2000. Proceedings. :88-95.
Martin, M.P.  2000.  DNS of a Mach 4 boundary layer with chemical reactions. AIAA, Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, 38 th, Reno, NV.
Gandhi R, Kumar G, Bederson BB, Shneiderman B.  2000.  Domain name based visualization of Web histories in a zoomable user interface. 11th International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications, 2000. Proceedings. :591-598.
Subramani K, Agrawala AK.  2000.  A dual interpretation of “standard constraints” in parametric scheduling. Formal Techniques in Real-Time and Fault-Tolerant Systems. :205-223.
Chandra R, Cukier M, Lefever R, Sanders W, others.  2000.  Dynamic node management and measure estimation in a state-driven fault injector. :248-261.
Gumerov NA.  2000.  Dynamics of vapor bubbles with nonequilibrium phase transitions in isotropic acoustic fields. Physics of Fluids. 12:71-71.
Katz J, Trevisan L.  2000.  On the efficiency of local decoding procedures for error-correcting codes. Proceedings of the thirty-second annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing. :80-86.
Arya S, Cheng SW, Mount D, Ramesh H.  2000.  Efficient expected-case algorithms for planar point location. Algorithm Theory-SWAT 2000. :537-543.
Kurc T, Uysal M, Eom H, Hollingsworth J, Saltz J, Sussman A.  2000.  Efficient performance prediction for large-scale, data-intensive applications. International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications. 14(3):216-216.
Bright L, Raschid L.  2000.  Efficient remote data access in a mobile computing environment. ICPP. :57-57.
El-Sana J, Evans F, Kalaiah A, Varshney A, Skiena S, Azanli E.  2000.  Efficiently computing and updating triangle strips for real-time rendering. Computer Aided Design. 32(13):753-772.
Sriram S, Bhattacharyya SS.  2000.  Embedded multiprocessors: Scheduling and synchronization. 3
Perry DE, Porter A, Votta LG.  2000.  Empirical studies of software engineering: a roadmap. Proceedings of the conference on The future of Software engineering. :345-355.
Kim J-M, Porter A, Rothermel G.  2000.  An empirical study of regression test application frequency. Proceedings of the 22nd international conference on Software engineering - ICSE '00. :126-135.
Naishlos D, Nuzman J, Tseng CW, Vishkin U.  2000.  Evaluating multi-threading in the prototype XMT environment. Proc. 4th Workshop on Multi-Threaded Execution, Architecture and Compliation (MTEAC2000).
Plaisant C, Komlodi A, Lindsay F.  2000.  Evaluation challenges for a Federation of heterogeneous information providers: the case of NASA's Earth Science Information Partnerships. Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises, 2000. (WET ICE 2000). Proeedings. IEEE 9th International Workshops on. :130-135.
Melamed ID, Resnik P.  2000.  Evaluation of sense disambiguation given hierarchical tag sets. Computers and the Humanities. 34(1-2)
Yoon K, DeMenthon D, Doermann D.  2000.  Event Detection from MPEGVideo in the Compressed Domain. ICPR. :819-822.
Shull F, Basili VR, Zelkowitz MV.  2000.  The experimental validation and packaging of software technologies. ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes. 25(1):82-83.
Vishkin D, Vishkin U.  2000.  Experiments with list ranking for explicit multi-threaded (XMT) instruction parallelism. J. Exp. Algorithmics. 5
Raschid L, Sellis T, Lin CC.  2000.  Exploiting concurrency in a DBMS implementation for production systems. Proceedings of the first international symposium on Databases in parallel and distributed systems. :34-45.
Ryu K D, Hollingsworth J.  2000.  Exploiting fine-grained idle periods in networks of workstations. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems. 11(7):683-698.
Marchionini G, Hert C, Liddy L, Shneiderman B.  2000.  Extending understanding of federal statistics in tables. Proceedings of the 2000 annual national conference on Digital government research. :1-7.
Tanin E, Lotem A, Haddadin I, Shneiderman B, Plaisant C, Slaughter L.  2000.  Facilitating data exploration with query previews: A study of user performance and preference. Behaviour & Information Technology. 19(6):393-403.
