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Journal Articles
Hannenhalli S, Chappey C, Koonin EV, Pevzner PA.  1995.  Genome Sequence Comparison and Scenarios for Gene Rearrangements: A Test Case. Genomics. 30(2):299-311.
Carlton JM, Angiuoli SV, Suh BB, Kooij TW, Pertea M, Silva JC, Ermolaeva MD, Allen JE, Selengut JD, Koo HL et al..  2002.  Genome sequence and comparative analysis of the model rodent malaria parasite Plasmodium yoelii yoelii. Nature. 419(6906):512-519.
Loftus B, Anderson I, Davies R, Alsmark UCM, Samuelson J, Amedeo P, Roncaglia P, Berriman M, Hirt RP, Mann BJ et al..  2005.  The genome of the protist parasite Entamoeba histolytica. Nature. 433(7028):865-868.
Berriman M, Ghedin E, Hertz-Fowler C, Blandin G, Renauld H, Bartholomeu DC, Lennard NJ, Caler E, Hamlin NE, Haas B et al..  2005.  The genome of the African trypanosome Trypanosoma brucei. Science. 309(5733):416-416.
Brettin T S[L A N L, Bruce D C[L A N L, Challacombe J F[L A N L, Detter J C[L A N L, Han C S[L A N L, Munik C[L A N LA, Chertkov O[L A N L, Meincke L[L A N L, Saunders E[L A N L, Choi S Y[SEOUL NATL UNIV et al..  2009.  Genome assortment, not serogroup, defines Vibrio cholerae pandemic strains. Nature.
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Phillippy AM, Schatz MC, Pop M.  2008.  Genome assembly forensics: finding the elusive mis-assembly. Genome Biology. 9(3):R55-R55.
Salzberg SL, Kingsford C, Cattoli G, Spiro DJ, Janies DA, Aly M M, Brown IH, Couacy-Hymann E, De Mia G M, Dung D H et al..  2007.  Genome Analysis Linking Recent European and African Influenza (H5N1) Viruses. Emerging Infectious DiseasesEmerg Infect Dis. 13(5):713-718.
Clayton C, Adams M, Almeida R, Baltz T, Barrett M, Bastien P, Belli S, Beverley S, Biteau N, Blackwell J et al..  1998.  Genetic nomenclature for Trypanosoma and Leishmania.. Molecular and biochemical parasitology. 97(1-2):221-221.
Clayton C, Adams M, Almeida R, Baltz T, Barrett M, Bastien P, Belli S, Beverley S, Biteau N, Blackwell J et al..  1998.  Genetic nomenclature for Trypanosoma and Leishmania.. Mol Biochem Parasitol. 97(1-2):221-4.
MacLeod A, Tweedie A, McLellan S, Taylor S, Hall N, Berriman M, El-Sayed NM, Hope M, Turner CMR, Tait A.  2005.  The genetic map and comparative analysis with the physical map of Trypanosoma brucei. Nucleic acids research. 33(21):6688-6688.
Peng X, Mount SM.  1995.  Genetic enhancement of RNA-processing defects by a dominant mutation in B52, the Drosophila gene for an SR protein splicing factor.. Molecular and Cellular BiologyMol. Cell. Biol.. 15(11):6273-6282.
Mount SM.  1997.  Genetic depletion reveals an essential role for an SR protein splicing factor in vertebrate cells. BioEssays. 19(3):189-192.
Neel MC, Cummings MP.  2003.  Genetic consequences of ecological reserve design guidelines: An empirical investigation. Conserv Genet. 4(4):427-439.
Rashed S.M, Mannan S.B, Johura F.-T., Islam M.T, Sadique A., Watanabe H., Sack R.B, Huq A., Colwell RR, Cravioto A. et al..  2012.  Genetic characteristics of drug-resistant Vibrio cholerae O1 causing endemic cholera in Dhaka, 2006-2011. Journal of Medical Microbiology. :1736-1745.
Rohlfing A-K, Miteva Y, Hannenhalli S, Lamitina T.  2010.  Genetic and Physiological Activation of Osmosensitive Gene Expression Mimics Transcriptional Signatures of Pathogen Infection in C. elegans. PLoS ONEPLoS ONE. 5(2):e9010-e9010.
Cummings MP, Otto SP, Wakeley J.  1999.  Genes and other samples of DNA sequence data for phylogenetic inference. The Biological Bulletin. 196(3):345-350.
Cleaveland R, Sims ST.  2002.  Generic tools for verifying concurrent systems. Science of Computer Programming. 42(1):39-47.
Dodis Y, Franklin M, Katz J, Miyaji A, Yung M.  2004.  A generic construction for intrusion-resilient public-key encryption. Topics in Cryptology–CT-RSA 2004. :1997-1997.
Li B, Chellappa R.  2002.  A generic approach to simultaneous tracking and verification in video. Image Processing, IEEE Transactions on. 11(5):530-544.
Mohammad S, Dorr BJ, Egan M, Hassan A, Muthukrishan P, Qazvinian V, Radev D, Zajic D.  2009.  Generating surveys of scientific paradigms. Proceedings of HLT-NAACL.
Banerjee AG, Balijepalli A, Gupta SK, LeBrun TW.  2009.  Generating simplified trapping probability models from simulation of optical tweezers system. Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering. 9:021003-021003.
Das D, Gupta SK, Nau DS.  1996.  Generating redesign suggestions to reduce setup cost: a step towards automated redesign. Computer-Aided Design. 28(10):763-782.
Wald J, Farach M, Tagamets M, Reggia JA.  1989.  Generating plausible diagnostic hypotheses with self-processing causal networks. Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence. 1(2):91-112.
Madnani N, Dorr BJ.  2010.  Generating Phrasal and Sentential Paraphrases: A Survey of Data-Driven Methods. Computational Linguistics. 36(3):341-387.
