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Thornber KK, Jacobs DW.  2006.  Cast shadows and linear subspaces for object recognition. 10/085,750(7006684)
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Andersen DG, Feamster N.  2006.  Challenges and Opportunities in Internet Data Mining. CMU-PDL-06-102:44-44.
Habash N, Dorr BJ, Monz C.  2006.  Challenges in building an Arabic-English GHMT system with SMT components. Proceedings of the 11th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation (EAMT-2006). :56-65.
Katz J, Yung M.  2006.  Characterization of security notions for probabilistic private-key encryption. Journal of Cryptology. 19(1):67-95.
Ringuette MJ, Martin, M.P, Smits AJ, Wu M.  2006.  Characterization of the turbulence structure in supersonic boundary layers using DNS data. AIAA Paper. 3539
Chen M, Zheng Y, M. Wu.  2006.  Classification-based spatial error concealment for visual communications. EURASIP J. Appl. Signal Process.. 2006:257-257.
Perer A, Shneiderman B, Oard D.  2006.  Classifying science: Phenomena, data, theory, method, practice: Book Reviews. J. Am. Soc. Inf. Sci. Technol.. 57(14):1977-1978.
Conroy JM, O'Leary DP, Schlesinger JD.  2006.  CLASSYArabic and English Multi-Document Summarization. Multi-Lingual Summarization Evaluation 2006Multi-Lingual Summarization Evaluation 2006.
Wang J, Oard D.  2006.  Clef-2005 cl-sr at maryland: Document and query expansion using side collections and thesauri. Accessing Multilingual Information Repositories. :800-809.
Mishra A, Brik V, Banerjee S, Srinivasan A, Arbaugh WA.  2006.  A client-driven approach for channel management in wireless LANs. IEEE Infocom. 6
Mishra A, Brik V, Banerjee S, Srinivasan A, Arbaugh WA.  2006.  Client-driven channel management for wireless LANs. SIGMOBILE Mob. Comput. Commun. Rev.. 10(4):8-10.
Demaine ED, Hajiaghayi MT, Feige U, Salavatipour MR.  2006.  Combination can be hard: Approximability of the unique coverage problem. Proceedings of the seventeenth annual ACM-SIAM symposium on Discrete algorithm. :162-171.
Wang J, Oard D.  2006.  Combining bidirectional translation and synonymy for cross-language information retrieval. Proceedings of the 29th annual international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in information retrieval. :202-209.
Saha S, Bhattacharyya SS, Wolf W.  2006.  A Communication Interface for Multiprocessor Signal Processing Systems. Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE/ACM/IFIP Workshop on Embedded Systems for Real Time Multimedia. :127-132.
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Kingsford C, Zaslavsky E, Singh M.  2006.  A compact mathematical programming formulation for DNA motif finding. Combinatorial Pattern Matching. :233-245.
Swaminathan A, Wu M, Liu KJR.  2006.  Component Forensics of Digital Cameras: A Non-Intrusive Approach. Information Sciences and Systems, 2006 40th Annual Conference on. :1194-1199.
Campbell MA, Haas BJ, Hamilton JP, Mount SM, Buell RC.  2006.  Comprehensive analysis of alternative splicing in rice and comparative analyses with Arabidopsis. BMC Genomics. 7(1):327-327.
Puthenpurayil S, Gu R, Bhattacharyya SS.  2006.  Compression techniques for minimum energy consumption. 25th Army Science Conference.
Peng T, Gupta SK.  2006.  A computational framework for point cloud construction using digital projection patterns.
Chellappa R, Chowdhury A RK.  2006.  Computer Vision, Statistics in. Encyclopedia of Statistical SciencesEncyclopedia of Statistical Sciences.
Lee C, Varshney A.  2006.  Computing and displaying intermolecular negative volume for docking. Scientific visualization: the visual extraction of knowledge from data. I:49-64.
Corretjer I, Hsu C, Bhattacharyya SS.  2006.  Configuration and representation of large-scale dataflow graphs using the dataflow interchange format. Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Systems, Banff, Canada. :10-15.
Evans P, Donahue G, Hannenhalli S.  2006.  Conservation Patterns in cis-Elements Reveal Compensatory Mutations. Comparative GenomicsComparative Genomics. 4205:186-199.
