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Journal Articles
Basri R, Jacobs DW.  2011.  Illumination modeling for face recognition. Handbook of face recognition. :169-195.
Saponas T, Lester J, Froehlich J, Fogarty J, Landay J.  2008.  ilearn on the iphone: Real-time human activity classification on commodity mobile phones. University of Washington CSE Tech Report UW-CSE-08-04-02.
Elman H, Ramage A, Silvester DJ.  2007.  IFISS: A Matlab toolbox for modelling incompressible flow. ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software. 33(2)
Shneiderman B.  2002.  IEEE Multimedia: Visions and views: Meeting human needs with new digital imaging technologies. IEEE Distributed Systems Online. 3(11)
Tollmar K, Tom Yeh, Darrell T.  2006.  IDiexis: Mobile image-based search on world wide web-a picture is worth a thousand keywords. Proc. of Mobisys.
Katz J, Ostrovsky R, Rabin M.  2005.  Identity-based zero-knowledge. Security in Communication Networks. :180-192.
Levy S, Hannenhalli S.  2002.  Identification of transcription factor binding sites in the human genome sequence. Mammalian Genome. 13(9):510-514.
Zheng J, Cahill SM, Lemmon MA, Fushman D, Schlessinger J, Cowburn D.  1996.  Identification of the Binding Site for Acidic Phospholipids on the PH Domain of Dynamin: Implications for Stimulation of GTPase Activity. Journal of Molecular Biology. 255(1):14-21.
Whitehouse CA, Baldwin C, Sampath R, Blyn LB, Melton R, Li F, Hall TA, Harpin V, Matthews H, Tediashvili M et al..  2010.  Identification of Pathogenic Vibrio Species by Multilocus PCR-Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry and Its Application to Aquatic Environments of the Former Soviet Republic of Georgia. Applied and Environmental MicrobiologyAppl. Environ. Microbiol.. 76(6):1996-2001.
Bringaud F, García-Pérez J L, Heras SR, Ghedin E, El-Sayed NM, Andersson B, Baltz T, Lopez MC.  2002.  Identification of non-autonomous non-LTR retrotransposons in the genome of Trypanosoma cruzi. Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology. 124(1-2):73-78.
Kale A, Sundaresan A, Rajagopalan AN, Cuntoor NP, Roy-Chowdhury AK, Kruger V, Chellappa R.  2004.  Identification of humans using gait. Image Processing, IEEE Transactions on. 13(9):1163-1173.
De Floriani L, Hui A, Giannini F.  2008.  Identification of Form Features in Non-Manifold Shapes Through a Decomposition Approach. ASME Conference Proceedings. 2008(48371):293-300.
Del Canto F, Botkin DJ, Valenzuela P, Popov V, Ruiz-Perez F, Nataro JP, Levine MM, Stine OC, Pop M, Torres AG et al..  2012.  Identification of Coli Surface Antigen 23, a Novel Adhesin of Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli. Infection and immunity. 80(8):2791-2801.
Bozo-Hurtado L, García-Amado M, Chistoserdov A, Varela R, Narvaez J, Colwell RR, Suárez P.  2013.  Identification of bacteria in enrichment cultures of sulfate reducers in the Cariaco Basin water column employing Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis of 16S ribosomal RNA gene fragments. Aquatic Biosystems. 9(1):17.
Hannenhalli S, Middleton RP, Levy S, Perroud B, Holzwarth JA, McDonald K, Hannah SS.  2006.  Identification and cross-species comparison of canine osteoarthritic gene regulatory cis-elements. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage. 14(8):830-838.
Tollmar K, Tom Yeh, Darrell T.  2004.  IDeixis–Searching the Web with Mobile Images for Location-Based Information. Mobile Human-Computer Interaction–MobileHCI 2004. :61-125.
Tollmar K, Tom Yeh, Darrell T.  2004.  Ideixis-image-based deixis for finding location-based information. Mobile HCI, Vienna, Austria, Pages. :781-782.
Orso A, Porter A.  2003.  ICSE workshop on remote analysis and measurement of software systems (RAMSS). ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering NotesSIGSOFT Softw. Eng. Notes. 28(6):10-10.
Dorr BJ, He D, Luo J, Oard D, Schwartz R, Wang J, Zajic D.  2004.  iCLEF 2003 at Maryland: Translation selection and document selection. Comparative Evaluation of Multilingual Information Access Systems. :231-265.
Canino D, De Floriani L, Weiss K.  2011.  IA*: An adjacency-based representation for non-manifold simplicial shapes in arbitrary dimensions. Computers & Graphics. 35(3):747-753.
Shneiderman B, Kearsley G.  1989.  Hypertext hands-on!. Tech Report HCIL-89-06.
Mohananchettiar A, Cevher V, CuQlock-Knopp G, Chellappa R, Merritt J.  2007.  Hyperstereo algorithms for the perception of terrain drop-offs. Proceedings of SPIE. 6557(1):65570L-65570L-10-65570L-65570L-10.
Stewart M, Stewart G.W.  1998.  On hyperbolic triangularization: Stability and pivoting. SIAM journal on matrix analysis and applications. 19(4):847-860.
Liang W, Kerr DC, Goldsman N, Mayergoyz ID.  1998.  Hydrodynamic Device Simulation with New State Variables Specially Chosen a Block Gummel Iterative Approach. VLSI DESIGN. 6(1-4):191-195.
Nasr-Azadani F, Khan R, Rahimikollu J, Unnikrishnan A, Akanda A, Alam M, Huq A, Jutla A, Colwell RR.  2017.  Hydroclimatic sustainability assessment of changing climate on cholera in the Ganges-Brahmaputra basin. Advances in Water Resources. 108:332-344.
