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Journal Articles
Treangen TJ, Sommer DD, Angly FE, Koren S, Pop M.  2011.  Next Generation Sequence Assembly with AMOS. Current Protocols in Bioinformatics. 11:1-11.
Pejaković DA, Marschall J, Duan L, Martin, M.P.  2008.  Nitric oxide production from surface recombination of oxygen and nitrogen atoms. Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer. 22(2):178-186.
Dumitras T, Narasimhan P.  2009.  No Downtime for Data Conversions: Rethinking Hot Upgrades (CMU-PDL-09-106). Parallel Data Laboratory.
Shneiderman B.  1986.  No members, no officers, no dues: A ten year history of the software psychology society. ACM SIGCHI Bulletin. 18(2):14-16.
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Shneiderman B.  1993.  A nonanthropomorphic style guide: overcoming the Humpty Dumpty syndrome. Sparks of innovation in human-computer interaction. :331-331.
Swaminathan A, M. Wu, Liu KJR.  2007.  Nonintrusive component forensics of visual sensors using output images. Information Forensics and Security, IEEE Transactions on. 2(1):91-106.
Zhao H, Wu M, Wang ZJ, Liu KJR.  2002.  Nonlinear collusion attacks on independent multimedia fingerprints. submitted to IEEE Trans. on Image Proc.
d'Aquino M, Serpico C, Bertotti G, Mayergoyz ID, Bonin R.  2009.  Nonlinear Resonant and Chaotic Dynamics in Microwave Assisted Magnetization Switching. Magnetics, IEEE Transactions on. 45(10):3950-3953.
Etherington DW, Kraus S, Perlis D.  1991.  Nonmonotonicity and the scope of reasoning. Artificial Intelligence. 52(3):221-261.
Jacobs DW, Shirdhonkar S.  2005.  Non-negative lighting and specular object recognition. Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision. 2
Ceccarelli D, Chen A, Hasan NA, Rashed SM, Huq A, Colwell RR.  2015.  Non-O1/Non-O139 Vibrio cholerae Carrying Multiple Virulence Factors and V. cholerae O1 in the Chesapeake Bay, Maryland. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. (631):1909-1918.
Hasan NA, Rezayat T, Blatz PJ, Choi SYoung, Griffitt KJ, Rashed SM, Huq A, Conger NG, Colwell RR, D. Grimes J.  2015.  Nontoxigenic Vibrio cholerae Non-O1/O139 Isolate from a Case of Human Gastroenteritis in the U.S. Gulf Coast. Journal of Clinical Microbiology. (1):9-14.
Delogu F, Palmiero M, Federici S, Plaisant C, Zhao H, Belardinelli O.  2010.  Non-visual exploration of geographic maps: Does sonification help? Disability & Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology. 5(3):164-174.
Ye P, Doermann D.  2012.  No-Reference Image Quality Assessment using Visual Codebooks. Image Processing, IEEE Transactions on. PP(99):1-1.
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Bafna V, Gusfield D, Hannenhalli S, Yooseph S.  2004.  A Note on Efficient Computation of Haplotypes via Perfect Phylogeny. Journal of Computational Biology. 11(5):858-866.
Stewart G.W.  2006.  A note on generalized and hypergeneralized projectors. Linear Algebra and its Applications. 412(2–3):408-411.
Shneiderman B.  1981.  A note on human factors issues of natural language interaction with database systems. Information Systems. 6(2):125-129.
O'Leary DP.  1987.  A note on the capacitance matrix algorithm, substructuring, and mixed or neumann boundary conditions. Applied Numerical Mathematics. 3(4):339-345.
Srinivasan A.  2008.  A note on the distribution of the number of prime factors of the integers. Information Processing Letters. 109(2):133-135.
Conroy JM, Schlesinger JD, O'Leary DP.  2011.  Nouveau-ROUGE: A Novelty Metric for Update Summarization. Computational Linguistics. 37(1):1-8.
Mayergoyz ID, Tse C, Krafft C, McAvoy P.  2004.  A novel approach to removing intersymbol interference from spin-stand images. Magnetics, IEEE Transactions on. 40(4):2197-2199.
Shi Q, JaJa JF.  2005.  Novel transformation techniques using q-heaps with applications to computational geometry. SIAM Journal on Computing. 34(6):1474-1492.
Bakay M, Wang Z, Melcon G, Schiltz L, Xuan J, Zhao P, Sartorelli V, Seo J, Pegoraro E, Angelini C et al..  2006.  Nuclear Envelope Dystrophies Show a Transcriptional Fingerprint Suggesting Disruption of Rb–MyoD Pathways in Muscle Regeneration. BrainBrain. 129(4):996-1013.
