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Journal Articles
Kim K, Davis LS.  2006.  Multi-camera tracking and segmentation of occluded people on ground plane using search-guided particle filtering. Computer Vision–ECCV 2006. :98-109.
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Zajic D, Dorr BJ, Jimmy Lin, Schwartz R.  2007.  Multi-candidate reduction: Sentence compression as a tool for document summarization tasks. Information Processing & Management. 43(6):1549-1570.
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Zitzler E, Teich J, Bhattacharyya SS.  2000.  Multidimensional exploration of software implementations for DSP algorithms. The Journal of VLSI Signal Processing. 24(1):83-98.
Spetsakis M, Aloimonos Y.  1991.  A multi-frame approach to visual motion perception. International Journal of Computer Vision. 6(3):245-255.
Elman H.  1996.  Multigrid and Krylov subspace methods for the discrete Stokes equations. International journal for numerical methods in fluids. 22(8):755-770.
Elman H, Ernst OG, O'Leary DP, others.  2002.  A multigrid method enhanced by Krylov subspace iteration for discrete Helmholtz equations. SIAM Journal on scientific computing. 23(4):1291-1315.
Rai P, Daumé H.  2009.  Multi-label prediction via sparse infinite CCA. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems. 22:1518-1526.
Dorr BJ, Voss CR.  1996.  A Multi-Level Approach to Interlingual MT: Defining the Interface between Representational Languages. International Journal of Expert Systems. 9(1):15-51.
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Shneiderman B.  1982.  Multiparty Grammars and Related Features for Defining Interactive Systems. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. 12(2):148-154.
Mohammad S, Dorr BJ, Egan M, Jimmy Lin, Zajic D.  2008.  Multiple alternative sentence compressions and word-pair antonymy for automatic text summarization and recognizing textual entailment. Proceedings of the Text Analysis Conference (TAC-2008), Gaithersburg, MD.
Madnani N, Zajic D, Dorr BJ, Ayan NF, Jimmy Lin.  2007.  Multiple alternative sentence compressions for automatic text summarization. Proceedings of DUC.
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Joo S-W, Chellappa R.  2007.  A Multiple-Hypothesis Approach for Multiobject Visual Tracking. Image Processing, IEEE Transactions on. 16(11):2849-2854.
Kianzad V, Bhattacharyya SS.  2001.  Multiprocessor clustering for embedded systems. Euro-Par 2001 Parallel Processing. :697-701.
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