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Journal Articles
Ko MY, Shen CC, Bhattacharyya SS.  2008.  Memory-constrained block processing for dsp software optimization. Journal of Signal Processing Systems. 50(2):163-177.
Lee C H, Varshney A, Jacobs DW.  2005.  Mesh saliency. ACM transactions on graphics. 24(3):659-666.
Kim Y, Varshney A, Jacobs DW, Guimbretière F.  2010.  Mesh saliency and human eye fixations. ACM Transactions on Applied Perception (TAP). 7(2):12:1–12:13-12:1–12:13.
Balkan AO, Qu G, Vishkin U.  2009.  Mesh-of-Trees and Alternative Interconnection Networks for Single-Chip Parallelism. Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, IEEE Transactions on. 17(10):1419-1432.
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Anderson ML, Oates T, Chong W, Perlis D.  2006.  The metacognitive loop I: Enhancing reinforcement learning with metacognitive monitoring and control for improved perturbation tolerance. Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence. 18(3):387-411.
Al-Hebshi NNoor, Baraniya D, Chen T, Hill J, Puri S, Tellez M, Hassan NA, Colwell RR, Ismail A.  2019.  Metagenome sequencing-based strain-level and functional characterization of supragingival microbiome associated with dental caries in children. Journal of Oral Microbiology. (118):1557986.
Hasan NA, Chowdhury BW, Rahim N, Sultana M, Shabnam AS, Mai V, Ali A, Morris GJ, Sack BR, Huq A et al..  2011.  Metagenomic 16S rDNA Targeted PCR-DGGE in Determining Bacterial Diversity in Aquatic Ecosystem. Bangladesh Journal of Microbiology. 27(2)
Gill SR, Pop M, DeBoy RT, Eckburg PB, Turnbaugh PJ, Samuel BS, Gordon JI, Relman DA, Fraser-Liggett CM, Nelson KE.  2006.  Metagenomic Analysis of the Human Distal Gut Microbiome. Science. 312(5778):1355-1359.
Roy M, Arnaud J, Jasmin P, Hamner S, Hasan N, Colwell RR, Ford T.  2018.  A Metagenomic Approach to Evaluating Surface Water Quality in Haiti. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 1542(10):2211.
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Jimmy Lin, Demner-Fushman D.  2006.  Methods for automatically evaluating answers to complex questions. Information Retrieval. 9(5):565-587.
Vishkin U.  1992.  Methods in parallel algorithmcs. Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 1992. :81-81.
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Jacox EH, Samet H.  2008.  Metric space similarity joins. ACM Trans. Database Syst.. 33(2):7:1–7:38-7:1–7:38.
Nakamura T, Basili VR.  2005.  Metrics of software architecture changes based on structural distance. IEEE METRICS. :8-8.
Waisberg M, Lobo F, Cerqueira G, Passos L, Carvalho O, Franco G, El-Sayed NM.  2007.  Microarray analysis of gene expression induced by sexual contact in Schistosoma mansoni. BMC Genomics. 8(1):181-181.
Hasan NA, Young BA, Minard-Smith AT, Saeed K, Li H, Heizer EM, McMillan NJ, Isom R, Abdullah AShakur, Bornman DM et al..  2014.  Microbial Community Profiling of Human Saliva Using Shotgun Metagenomic Sequencing. PLoS ONE. (5):e97699.
Bowler C, Karl DM, Colwell RR.  2009.  Microbial oceanography in a sea of opportunity. Nature. 459(7244):180-184.
Junqueira AC, Ratan A, Acerbi E, Drautz-Moses DI, Premkrishnan BNV, Costea PI, Linz B, Purbojati RW, Paulo DF, Gaultier NE et al..  2017.  The microbiomes of blowflies and houseflies as bacterial transmission reservoirs. Scientific Reports. (1)
