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Conference Papers
RoyChowdhury A, Chellappa R.  2003.  Statistical Error Propagation in 3D Modeling From Monocular Video. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshop, 2003. CVPRW '03. Conference on. 8:89-89.
Kalaiah A, Varshney A.  2003.  Statistical point geometry. Proceedings of the 2003 Eurographics/ACM SIGGRAPH symposium on Geometry processing. :107-115.
Vaswani N, Chowdhury AR, Chellappa R.  2003.  Statistical shape theory for activity modeling. Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 2003. Proceedings. (ICASSP '03). 2003 IEEE International Conference on. 3:III-493-6vol.3-III-493-6vol.3.
Fermüller C, Aloimonos Y.  2000.  The statistics of optical flow: implications for the process of correspondence in vision. 15th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 2000. Proceedings. 1:119-126vol.1-119-126vol.1.
Dhaliwal S, Gupta SK, Huang J, Kumar M.  2002.  A Step Towards Automated Design of Multi-Piece Sacrificial Molds. 3:337-347.
Li X, Gupta SK.  2003.  A Step Towards Automated Design of Rotary-Platen Multi-Shot Molds. 2003:343-354.
Drapkin J, Perlis D.  1986.  Step-logics: An alternative approach to limited reasoning. Proceedings of the European Conf. on Artificial Intelligence. :160-163.
Ogale AS, Aloimonos Y.  2004.  Stereo Correspondence with Slanted Surfaces: Critical Implications of Horizontal Slant. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, IEEE Computer Society Conference on. 1:568-573.
Lieberman MD, Samet H, Sankaranarayanan J, Sperling J.  2007.  STEWARD: architecture of a spatio-textual search engine. Proceedings of the 15th annual ACM international symposium on Advances in geographic information systems. :25:1–25:8-25:1–25:8.
Samet H, Lieberman MD, Sankaranarayanan J, Sperling J.  2007.  STEWARD: demo of spatio-textual extraction on the web aiding the retrieval of documents. Proceedings of the 8th annual international conference on Digital government research: bridging disciplines & domains. :300-301.
Williams LR, Jacobs DW.  1995.  Stochastic completion fields: a neural model of illusory contour shape and salience. Computer Vision, 1995. Proceedings., Fifth International Conference on. :408-415.
Sankaranarayanan AC, Chellappa R.  2008.  Stochastic fusion of multi-view gradient fields. Image Processing, 2008. ICIP 2008. 15th IEEE International Conference on. :1324-1327.
Simari G, Sliva A, Nau DS, V.S. Subrahmanian.  2006.  A stochastic language for modelling opponent agents. Proceedings of the fifth international joint conference on Autonomous agents and multiagent systems. :244-246.
Plaisant C, Druin A, Lathan C, Dakhane K, Edwards K, Vice J M, Montemayor J.  2000.  A storytelling robot for pediatric rehabilitation. Proceedings of the fourth international ACM conference on Assistive technologies. :50-55.
Shneiderman B, Plaisant C.  2006.  Strategies for evaluating information visualization tools: multi-dimensional in-depth long-term case studies. Proceedings of the 2006 AVI workshop on BEyond time and errors: novel evaluation methods for information visualization. :1-7.
JaJa JF.  2004.  Strategies for exploring large scale data. Parallel Architectures, Algorithms and Networks, 2004. Proceedings. 7th International Symposium on. :2-2.
Raboin E, Nau DS, Kuter U, Gupta SK, Svec P.  2010.  Strategy generation in multi-agent imperfect-information pursuit games. :947-954.
Rai P, Daumé H, Venkatasubramanian S.  2009.  Streamed learning: one-pass SVMs. Proceedings of the 21st international jont conference on Artifical intelligence. :1211-1216.
Goyal A, Daumé H, Venkatasubramanian S.  2009.  Streaming for large scale NLP: Language modeling. Proceedings of Human Language Technologies: The 2009 Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics. :512-520.
Evans F, Skiena S, Varshney A.  1996.  Stripe: a software tool for efficient triangle strips. ACM SIGGRAPH 96 Visual Proceedings: The art and interdisciplinary programs of SIGGRAPH '96. :153–-153–.
Agrawal M, Doermann D.  2011.  Stroke-like Pattern Noise Removal in Binary Document Images. International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition. :17-21.
Resnik P, Hearst M.  1993.  Structural ambiguity and conceptual relations. Proceedings of the Workshop on Very Large Corpora: Academic and Industrial Perspectives. :58-64.
Eubank S, Kumar AVS, Marathe MV, Srinivasan A, Wang N.  2004.  Structural and algorithmic aspects of massive social networks. Proceedings of the fifteenth annual ACM-SIAM symposium on Discrete algorithms. :718-727.
Madhyastha HV, Anderson T, Krishnamurthy A, Spring N, Venkataramani A.  2006.  A structural approach to latency prediction. Proceedings of the 6th ACM SIGCOMM conference on Internet measurement. :99-104.
