Journal Articles


Jacobs DW, Weinshall D, Gdalyahu Y. Class representation and image retrieval with non-metric distances. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI). 2000;22(583-600):1.
Mundur P, Sood AK, Simon R. Class-based access control for distributed video-on-demand systems. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology. 2005;15(7):844-853.
Zhuolin Jiang, Li SF, Jia XP, Zhu HL. Classic triangular mesh subdivision algorithm. Jisuanji Gongcheng/ Computer Engineering. 2009;35(6):7-10.
O'Leary TJ, O'Leary DP, Habbersett MC, Herman CJ. Classification of Gynecologic Flow Cytometry Data: A Comparison of Methods. Journal of Analytical and Quantitative Cytology. 1981;3:135-142.
Jacobs DW, Weinshall D, Gdalyahu Y. Classification with nonmetric distances: image retrieval and class representation. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on. 2000;22(6):583-600.
Oard D, Levow GA, Cabezas C. CLEF experiments at Maryland: Statistical stemming and backoff translation. Cross-Language Information Retrieval and Evaluation. 2001:176-187.
Wang J, Oard D. CLEF-2006 CL-SR at Maryland: English and Czech. Evaluation of Multilingual and Multi-modal Information Retrieval. 2007:786-793.
Mishra A, Brik V, Banerjee S, Srinivasan A, Arbaugh WA. Client-driven channel management for wireless LANs. SIGMOBILE Mob. Comput. Commun. Rev.. 2006;10(4):8-10.
Vezzulli L, Grande C, Reid PC, laouët Pé, Edwards M, fle MG, et al. Climate influence on Vibrio and associated human diseases during the past half-century in the coastal North Atlantic. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2016:E5062-E5071.
Alam M, Islam A, Bhuiyan NA, Rahim N, Hossain A, Khan GY, et al. Clonal transmission, dual peak, and off-season cholera in Bangladesh. Infection Ecology & Epidemiology. 2011;1(1).
Song D, Elaine Shi, Fischer I, Shankar U. Cloud Data Protection for the Masses. Computer. 2012;45(1):39-45.
Agrawal M, Doermann D. Clutter noise removal in binary document images. International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition (IJDAR). 2013;16(4):351-369.
Shneiderman B. Codex, Memex, Genex: The Pursuit of Transformational Technologies. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction. 1998;10(2):87-106.
Djikeng A, Raverdy S, Foster JS, Bartholomeu D, Zhang Y, El-Sayed NM, et al. Cofactor-independent phosphoglycerate mutase is an essential gene in procyclic form Trypanosoma brucei. Parasitology research. 2007;100(4):887-892.
Norman KL, Weldon LJ, Shneiderman B. Cognitive layouts of windows and multiple screens for user interfaces. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies. 1986;25(2):229-248.
Beekman I, Kan YC, Priebe S, Martin, M.P. Coherent turbulent motions in a Mach 3 boundary layer. Bulletin of the American Physical Society. 2010;55.
Mishra P, Varshney A, Kaufman A. Collabcad: A toolkit for integrated synchronous and asynchronous sharing of cad applications. Proceedings TeamCAD: GVU/NIST Workshop on Collaborative Design, Atlanta, GA, USA. 1997:131-137.
Sen P, Namata G, Bilgic M, Getoor L, Galligher B, Eliassi-Rad T. Collective Classification in Network Data. AI Magazine. 2008;29(3):93.
Bhattacharya I, Getoor L. Collective entity resolution in relational data. ACM Trans. Knowl. Discov. Data. 2007;1(1).
Rodríguez A, Reggia JA. Collective-movement teams for cooperative problem solving. Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering. 2005;12(3):217-235.
Wang ZJ, Wu M, Zhao HV, Trappe W, Liu KJ. Collusion resistance analysis of multimedia fingerprinting systems. IEEE Tran. on Image Processing. 2005.
Wu M, Trappe W, Wang ZJ, Liu KJ. Collusion resistant multimedia fingerprinting: A unified framework. Electronic Imaging Symposium: Security, Steganography, and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents VI, San Jose, CA, Proc. of SPIE. 2004;5306:748-759.
Alwen J, Katz J, Lindell Y, Persiano G, Shelat A, Visconti I. Collusion-free multiparty computation in the mediated model. Advances in Cryptology-CRYPTO 2009. 2009:524-540.
M. Wu, Trappe W, Wang ZJ, Liu KJ. Collusion-resistant fingerprinting for multimedia. Signal Processing Magazine, IEEE. 2004;21(2):15-27.
He S, M. Wu. Collusion-Resistant Video Fingerprinting for Large User Group. Information Forensics and Security, IEEE Transactions on. 2007;2(4):697-709.
Khuller S. Coloring algorithms for K5-minor free graphs. Information Processing Letters. 1990;34(4):203-208.
Zhao H, Shneiderman B. Colour‐coded pixel‐based highly interactive Web mapping for georeferenced data exploration. International Journal of Geographical Information Science. 2005;19(4):413-428.
Cook D, Hicks G, Faber V, Marathe MV, Srinivasan A, Sussmann YJ, et al. Combinatorial Problems Arising in Deregulated Electrical Power Industry: Survey and Future Directions. NONCONVEX OPTIMIZATION AND ITS APPLICATIONS. 2000;42:138-162.
Pradhan S, Minker J, V.S. Subrahmanian. Combining databases with prioritized information. Journal of Intelligent Information Systems. 1995;4(3):231-260.
Rosti AV, Ayan NF, Xiang B, Matsoukas S, Schwartz R, Dorr BJ. Combining outputs from multiple machine translation systems. Human Language Technologies 2007: The Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics; Proceedings of the Main Conference. 2007:228-235.
Corcoran BJ, Swamy N, Hicks MW. Combining provenance and security policies in a web-based document management system. On-line Proceedings of the Workshop on Principles of Provenance (PrOPr). 2007.
Udrea O, Getoor L. Combining statistical and logical inference for ontology alignment. Workshop on Semantic Web for Collaborative Knowledge Acquisition at the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. 2007.
Getoor L. Combining Tuple and Attribute Uncertainty in Probabilistic Databases. The first international VLDB workshop on Management of Uncertain Data. 2007:1.
Shneiderman B. Comments from a Letter Written on July 19, 1978. Software Engineering, IEEE Transactions on. 1981;(4):370-371.
Morasca S, Briand LC, Basili VR, Weyuker EJ, Zelkowitz MV, Kitchenham B, et al. Comments on "Towards a framework for software measurement validation". Software Engineering, IEEE Transactions on. 1997;23(3):187-189.
Polymeropoulos MH, Licamele L, Volpi S, Mack K, Mitkus SN, Carstea ED, et al. Common effect of antipsychotics on the biosynthesis and regulation of fatty acids and cholesterol supports a key role of lipid homeostasis in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research. 2009;108(1–3):134-142.
Bowen D, Mayergoyz ID, Krafft C, Kroop D. Common Mode Analysis of Ethernet Transformers. Magnetics Letters, IEEE. 2010;1.
