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Author [ Title] Type Year Filters: Some-history-conjugate-gradient-and-lanczos-algorithms-1948%E2%80%931976 is [Clear All Filters]
1986. Algorithm for concurrency control in replicated databases.. COMP. SYST. SCI. ENG.. 1(2):75-81.
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2008. Algorithmic and Architectural Optimizations for Computationally Efficient Particle Filtering. Image Processing, IEEE Transactions on. 17(5):737-748.
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2008. Algorithms for computing a parameterized st-orientation. Theoretical Computer Science. 408(2–3):224-240.
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1987. Algorithms for covering and packing and applications to CAD/CAM (abstract only): preliminary results. Proceedings of the 15th annual conference on Computer Science. :439–-439–.
2009. Algorithms for distributional and adversarial pipelined filter ordering problems. ACM Trans. Algorithms. 5(2):24:1–24:34-24:1–24:34.
2009. Algorithms for extraction of nanowire lengths and positions from optical section microscopy image sequence. Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering. 9:041007-041007.
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2008. Algorithms for Generating Adaptive Projection Patterns for 3D Shape Measurement. Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering. 8:031009-031009.
2009. Algorithms for generating multi-stage molding plans for articulated assemblies. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing. 25(1):91-106.
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2006. Algorithms for non-uniform size data placement on parallel disks. Journal of Algorithms. 60(2):144-167.
2006. Algorithms for on-line monitoring of components in an optical tweezers-based assembly cell. :1-13.
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