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2000. Jazz: an extensible zoomable user interface graphics toolkit in Java. Proceedings of the 13th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology. :171-180.
1994. A miniature pan-tilt actuator: the spherical pointing motor. IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation. 10(3):298-308.
2008. Enhancing In-Car Navigation Systems with Personal Experience. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. 2064(-1):33-42.
1992. Two miniature pan-tilt devices. Robotics and Automation, 1992. Proceedings., 1992 IEEE International Conference on. :658-663.
2004. DateLens: A fisheye calendar interface for PDAs. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI). 11(1):90-119.
2005. Ordered and Quantum Treemaps: Making Effective Use of 2D Space to Display Hierarchies (2001). Institute for Systems Research Technical Reports.
1996. Local tools: an alternative to tool palettes. Proceedings of the 9th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology. :169-170.
1993. Control and design of the spherical pointing motor. , 1993 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 1993. Proceedings. :630-636vol.2-630-636vol.2.
2003. Innovating the Interaction. The craft of information visualization: readings and reflectionsThe craft of information visualization: readings and reflections. :295-295.
2002. Ordered and quantum treemaps: Making effective use of 2D space to display hierarchies. ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG). 21(4):833-854.
2003. Navigation Patterns and Usability of Zoomable User Interfaces With and Without an Overview. The craft of information visualization: readings and reflections. :120-120.
2003. Electronic voting system usability issues. Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems. :145-152.
2010. Coherent turbulent motions in a Mach 3 boundary layer. Bulletin of the American Physical Society. 55
2009. Integrated product and process design for a flapping wing drive mechanism. Journal of Mechanical Design. 131:061006-061006.
2010. Design and Fabrication of a Multi-Material Compliant Flapping Wing Drive Mechanism for Miniature Air Vehicles. :69-80.
2011. Design and fabrication of miniature compliant hinges for multi-material compliant mechanisms. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 57(5):437-452.
2009. A systematic approach for designing multifunctional thermally conducting polymer structures with embedded actuators. Journal of Mechanical Design. 131:111009-111009.
1999. Machine Translation. Multilingual Information Management: Current Levels and Future Abilities. :18-18.
2008. Searching the world’s herbaria: A system for visual identification of plant species. Computer Vision–ECCV 2008. :116-129.
2011. Localizing parts of faces using a consensus of exemplars. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2011 IEEE Conference on. :545-552.
2004. Implementing stable semantics by linear programming. Logic Programming and Non-Monotonic Reasoning, Proceedings of the Second International Workshop. 7:23-42.