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Liu X, Doermann D, Li H.  2010.  Mobile Visual Aid Tools for Users with Visual Impairments. Mobile Multimedia ProcessingMobile Multimedia Processing. :21-36.
Baker K, Bloodgood M, Dorr BJ, Filardo NW, Levin L, Piatko C.  2010.  A modality lexicon and its use in automatic tagging. Proceedings of the Seventh conference on International Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC’10). :1402-1407.
De Floriani L, Magillo P, Vitali M.  2010.  Modeling and generalization of discrete Morse terrain decompositions. Proc. 20th Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition, ICPR. 10:999-1002.
Hardisty EA, Boyd-Graber J, Resnik P.  2010.  Modeling perspective using adaptor grammars. Proceedings of the 2010 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing. :284-292.
Rust BW, O'Leary DP, Mullen KM.  2010.  Modelling Type 1a Supernova Light Curves. Exponential Data Fitting and Its ApplicationsExponential Data Fitting and Its Applications. :169-186.
Smorul M, Song S, JaJa JF.  2010.  Monitoring distributed collections using the Audit Control Environment (ACE). Proceedings of the 2010 Roadmap for Digital Preservation Interoperability Framework Workshop. :13:1–13:5-13:1–13:5.
Shroff N, Turaga P, Chellappa R.  2010.  Moving vistas: Exploiting motion for describing scenes. 2010 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). :1911-1918.
Han B, Joo SW, Davis LS.  2010.  Multi-Camera Tracking with Adaptive Resource Allocation. International Journal of Computer Vision. :1-14.
Samet H.  2010.  Multidimensional data structures for spatial applications. Algorithms and theory of computation handbookAlgorithms and theory of computation handbook. :6-6.
Lu W, Wu M.  2010.  Multimedia forensic hash based on visual words. IEEE Computer Society International Conference on Image Processing. :989-992.
Weiss K, De Floriani L, Mesmoudi MM.  2010.  Multiresolution analysis of 3D images based on discrete distortion. International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR). :4093-4096.
Danovaro E, De Floriani L, Magillo P, Vitali M.  2010.  Multiresolution morse triangulations. Proceedings of the 14th ACM Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling. :183-188.
Patel VM, Easley GR, Chellappa R.  2010.  Multiscale directional filtering of noisy InSAR phase images. Proceedings of SPIE. 7703(1):770308-770308-9-770308-770308-9.
Eaton E, desJardins M, Jacob S.  2010.  Multi-view clustering with constraint propagation for learning with an incomplete mapping between views. Proceedings of the 19th ACM international conference on Information and knowledge management. :389-398.
Katz B, Jimmy Lin, Quan D.  2010.  Natural language annotations for the Semantic Web. On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems 2002: CoopIS, DOA, and ODBASE. :1317-1331.
Turaga P, Chellappa R.  2010.  Nearest-neighbor search algorithms on non-Euclidean manifolds for computer vision applications. Proceedings of the Seventh Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing. :282-289.
Weiss K, De Floriani L.  2010.  Nested refinement domains for tetrahedral and diamond hierarchies. IEEE Visualization.
Anwer M B, Nayak A, Feamster N, Liu L.  2010.  Network I/O fairness in virtual machines. Proceedings of the second ACM SIGCOMM workshop on Virtualized infrastructure systems and architectures. :73-80.
Mount D, Netanyahu NS, Ratanasanya S.  2010.  New Approaches to Robust, Point-Based Image Registration. Image Registration for Remote SensingImage Registration for Remote Sensing.
Haeupler B, Saha B, Srinivasan A.  2010.  New Constructive Aspects of the Lovasz Local Lemma. 2010 51st Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS). :397-406.
Reiterer H, Kerren A, Plaisant C, Stasko JT.  2010.  New forms of Human-Computer Interaction for Visualizing Information. Information Visualization.
Groce A, Katz J.  2010.  A new framework for efficient password-based authenticated key exchange. Proceedings of the 17th ACM conference on Computer and communications security. :516-525.
Groce A, Katz J.  2010.  A New Framework for Password-Based Authenticated Key Exchange. ACM CCCS 2010.
Berthier R, Cukier M, Hiltunen M, Kormann D, Vesonder G, Sheleheda D.  2010.  Nfsight: netflow-based network awareness tool.
Delogu F, Palmiero M, Federici S, Plaisant C, Zhao H, Belardinelli O.  2010.  Non-visual exploration of geographic maps: Does sonification help? Disability & Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology. 5(3):164-174.
