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Fermüller C, Aloimonos Y.  1992.  Perceptual computational advantages of tracking. , 11th IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 1992. Vol.I. Conference A: Computer Vision and Applications, Proceedings. :599-602.
Monahemi M, Barlow J, O'Leary DP.  1992.  On the Precise Loop Transfer Recovery and Transmission Zeroes. First IEEE Conference on Control ApplicationsFirst IEEE Conference on Control Applications.
Huang C-M, O'Leary DP.  1992.  Preconditioning parallel multisplittings for solving linear systems of equations. Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Supercomputing. :478-484.
Resnik P.  1992.  Probabilistic tree-adjoining grammar as a framework for statistical natural language processing. Proceedings of the 14th conference on Computational linguistics-Volume 2. :418-424.
Khuller S, Mitchell SG, Vazirani VV.  1992.  Processor efficient parallel algorithms for the two disjoint paths problem and for finding a Kuratowski homeomorph. SIAM Journal on Computing. 21:486-486.
Dillencourt MB, Mount D, Netanyahu NS.  1992.  A randomized algorithm for slope selection. International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications. 2(1):1-27.
Berkman O, Matias Y, Vishkin U.  1992.  Randomized range-maxima in nearly-constant parallel time. Computational Complexity. 2(4):350-373.
Rhoades J, Turk G, Bell A, State A, Neumann U, Varshney A.  1992.  Real-time procedural textures. Proceedings of the 1992 symposium on Interactive 3D graphics. :95-100.
Doermann D, Rosenfeld A.  1992.  Recovery of temporal information from static images of handwriting. Proceedings in the IEEE CVPR. :162-168.
Dorr BJ, Gaasterland T.  1992.  Reflecting time in generated text: tense, aspect and temporal connecting words.
Plaisant C, Carr DA.  1992.  Remote manipulation interfaces the case of a telepathology workstation. Posters and short talks of the 1992 SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems. :65-65.
Plaisant C, Shneiderman B.  1992.  Scheduling home control devices: design issues and usability evaluation of four touchscreen interfaces. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies. 36(3):375-393.
Raschid L.  1992.  Semantics for Rule-based Programs that Express Non-determinism, Causality and Exception Handling Behavior. Workshop on Deductive Databases, JICSLP. :163-174.
Reggia JA, Chou H-H, Armentrout SL, Peng Y.  1992.  Simple systems exhibiting self-directed replication: annex of transition functions and software documentation.
Doermann D, Varma V.  1992.  Simulating Pressure Variations in Handwriting. Proceedings of the Twenty-Third Annual Modeling and Simulation Conference. :2141-2148.
Brooks FP, Airey J, Alspaugh J, Bell A, Brown R, Hill C, Nimscheck U, Rheingans P, Rohlf J, Smith D et al..  1992.  Six Generations of Building Walkthrough: Final Technical Report to the National Science Foundation.
Shneiderman B.  1992.  Socially responsible computing I: a call to action following the LA riots. ACM SIGCHI Bulletin. 24(3):14-15.
Shneiderman B.  1992.  Socially responsible computing II: first steps on the path to positive contributions. ACM SIGCHI Bulletin. 24(3):16-17.
D'Autrechy CL, Reggia JA, Berndt RS.  1992.  Software approaches to segmentation analysis. Computer Science Technical Report Series; Vol. CS-TR-2991. :24-24.
Jacobs DW.  1992.  Space efficient 3-D model indexing. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 1992. Proceedings CVPR '92., 1992 IEEE Computer Society Conference on. :439-444.
Mount SM, Burks C, Herts G, Stormo GD, White O, Fields C.  1992.  Splicing signals in Drosophila: intron size, information content, and consensus sequences. Nucleic Acids ResearchNucl. Acids Res.. 20(16):4255-4262.
Zelkowitz MV, Buckley FJ.  1992.  Standards-are software engineering process standards really necessary? Computer. 25(11):82-84.
Botafogo RA, Rivlin E, Shneiderman B.  1992.  Structural analysis of hypertexts: identifying hierarchies and useful metrics. ACM Transactions on Information Systems. 10(2):142-180.
Grimson W, Huttenlocher D, Jacobs DW.  1992.  A study of affine matching with bounded sensor error. Computer Vision—ECCV'92. :291-306.
Doermann D, Rosenfeld A.  1992.  Temporal clues in handwriting. Pattern Recognition, 1992. Vol.II. Conference B: Pattern Recognition Methodology and Systems, Proceedings., 11th IAPR International Conference on. :317-320.
