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Cardone A, Pant H, Hassan SA.  2013.  Specific and Non-Specific Protein Association in Solution: Computation of Solvent Effects and Prediction of First-Encounter Modes for Efficient Configurational Bias Monte Carlo Simulations. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 117(41):12360-12374.
Boyd-Graber J, Glasgow K, Zajac JS.  2013.  Spoiler Alert: Machine Learning Approaches to Detect Social Media Posts with Revelatory Information.
Papamanthou C, Shi E, Tamassia R, Yi K.  2013.  Streaming Authenticated Data Structures. Advances in Cryptology – EUROCRYPT 2013. :353-370.
Kumar J, Ye P, Doermann D.  2013.  Structural similarity for document image classification and retrieval. Pattern Recognition Letters.
Dumitras T, Narasimhan P.  2013.  A study of unpredictability in fault-tolerant middleware. Computer Networks. 57(3):682-698.
Haft DH, Selengut JD, Richter RA, Harkins D, Basu MK, Beck E.  2013.  TIGRFAMs and Genome Properties in 2013.. Nucleic Acids Res. 41(Database issue):D387-95.
Li-Baboud Y-S, Cardone A, Chalfoun J, Bajcsy P, Elliott J.  2013.  Understanding the impact of image quality on segmentation accuracy. SPIE Newsroom.
Kumar J, Doermann D.  2013.  Unsupervised Classification of Structurally Similar Document Images. International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition.
Jutla A, Akanda AShafqat, Huq A, Faruque ASyed Golam, Colwell RR, Islam S.  2013.  A water marker monitored by satellites to predict seasonal endemic cholera. Remote Sensing Letters. 4472741982394456(8):822-831.
Bitansky N, Dachman-Soled D, Garg S, Jain A, Kalai YTauman, López-Alt A, Wichs D.  2013.  Why “Fiat-Shamir for Proofs” Lacks a Proof. Theory of Cryptography. :182-201.
Dachman-Soled D, Mahmoody M, Malkin T.  2014.  Can Optimally-Fair Coin Tossing Be Based on One-Way Functions? Theory of Cryptography. :217-239.
Akanda AS, Jutla AS, Colwell RR.  2014.  Global diarrhoea action plan needs integrated climate-based surveillance. The Lancet Global Health. 2(2):e69-e70.
Kirchberger P.C, Turnsek M., Hunt D.E, Haley B.J, Colwell RR, Polz M.F, Tarr C.L, Boucher Y..  2014.  Vibrio metoecus sp. nov., a close relative of Vibrio cholerae isolated from coastal brackish ponds and clinical specimens. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SYSTEMATIC AND EVOLUTIONARY MICROBIOLOGY. (Pt 95616795215116120545121):3208-3214.
Ceccarelli D, Colwell RR.  2014.  Vibrio ecology, pathogenesis, and evolution. Frontiers in Microbiology.
Hasan NA, Young BA, Minard-Smith AT, Saeed K, Li H, Heizer EM, McMillan NJ, Isom R, Abdullah AShakur, Bornman DM et al..  2014.  Microbial Community Profiling of Human Saliva Using Shotgun Metagenomic Sequencing. PLoS ONE. (5):e97699.
Dachman-Soled D.  2014.  On Minimal Assumptions for Sender-Deniable Public Key Encryption. Public-Key Cryptography – PKC 2014. :574-591.
Haley BJ, Kokashvili T, Tskshvediani A, Janelidze N, Mitaishvili N, Grim CJ, Constantin_de_Magny G, Chen AJ, Taviani E, Eliashvili T et al..  2014.  Molecular diversity and predictability of Vibrio parahaemolyticus along the Georgian coastal zone of the Black Sea. Frontiers in Microbiology. 5
Alam M, Rashed SM, Bin Mannan S, Islam T, Lizarraga-Partida ML, Delgado G, Morales-Espinosa R, Mendez JLuis, Navarro A, Watanabe H et al..  2014.  Occurrence in Mexico, 1998–2008, of Vibrio cholerae CTX + El Tor carrying an additional truncated CTX prophage. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 111(27):9917-9922.
Azarian T, Ali A, Johnson JA, Mohr D, Prosperi M, Veras NM, Jubair M, Strickland SL, Rashid MH, Alam MT et al..  2014.  Phylodynamic Analysis of Clinical and Environmental Vibrio cholerae Isolates from Haiti Reveals Diversification Driven by Positive Selection. mBio. (6)
Molden RC, Goya J, Khan Z, Garcia BA.  2014.  Stable isotope labeling of phosphoproteins for large-scale phosphorylation rate determination. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics.
Budowle B, Connell ND, Bielecka-Oder A, Colwell RR, Corbett CR, Fletcher J, Forsman M, Kadavy DR, Markotic A, Morse SA et al..  2014.  Validation of high throughput sequencing and microbial forensics applications. Investigative Genetics. 5(1):9.
D. Grimes J, Ford TE, Colwell RR, Baker-Austin C, Martinez-Urtaza J, Subramaniam A, Capone DG.  2014.  Viewing Marine Bacteria, Their Activity and Response to Environmental Drivers from Orbit. Microbial Ecology. (38):489-500.
Bartholomew JC, Pearson AD, Stenseth NC, LeDuc JW, Hirschberg DL, Colwell RR.  2015.  Building Infectious Disease Research Programs to Promote Security and Enhance Collaborations with Countries of the Former Soviet Union. Frontiers in Public Health. 35361632
Castro-Nallar E, Hasan NA, Cebula TA, Colwell RR, Robison RA, W. Johnson E, Crandall KA.  2015.  Concordance and discordance of sequence survey methods for molecular epidemiology. PeerJ. (8105394):e761.
Hasan NA, Grim CJ, Lipp EK, Rivera ING, Chun J, Haley BJ, Taviani E, Choi SYoung, Hoq M, A. Munk C et al..  2015.  Deep-sea hydrothermal vent bacteria related to human pathogenic Vibrio species. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. (2144666966517):E2813-E2819.
