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Jacox EH, Samet H.  2008.  Metric space similarity joins. ACM Trans. Database Syst.. 33(2):7:1–7:38-7:1–7:38.
Valancius V, Feamster N, Johari R, Vazirani V.  2008.  MINT: a Market for INternet Transit. Proceedings of the 2008 ACM CoNEXT Conference. :70:1–70:6-70:1–70:6.
Chellappa R, Sankaranarayanan AC, Veeraraghavan A.  2008.  Mixed state models for automatic target recognition and behavior analysis in video sequences. Proceedings of SPIE. 6967(1):69670Q-69670Q-11-69670Q-69670Q-11.
Liu X, Doermann D.  2008.  Mobile Retriever: Access to Digital Documents from their Physical Source. International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition. 11(1):19-27.
Ackermann C, Ray A, Cleaveland R, Heit J, Martin C, Shelton C.  2008.  Model Based Design Verification: A Monitor Based Approach. 2008-01-0741
Sundaresan A, Chellappa R.  2008.  Model Driven Segmentation of Articulating Humans in Laplacian Eigenspace. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on. 30(10):1771-1785.
Weiss K, De Floriani L.  2008.  Modeling and visualization approaches for time-varying volumetric data. Advances in Visual Computing. :1000-1010.
Ramanathan N, Chellappa R.  2008.  Modeling shape and textural variations in aging faces. Automatic Face Gesture Recognition, 2008. FG '08. 8th IEEE International Conference on. :1-8.
Eaton E, desJardins M, Lane T.  2008.  Modeling Transfer Relationships Between Learning Tasks for Improved Inductive Transfer. Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in DatabasesMachine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases. 5211:317-332.
Srivastava S, Hicks MW, Foster JS, Jenkins P.  2008.  Modular Information Hiding and Type-Safe Linking for C. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering. 34(3):357-376.
Kohlsdorf T, Cummings MP, Lynch VJ, Stopper GF, Takahashi K, Wagner GP.  2008.  A molecular footprint of limb loss: sequence variation of the autopodial identity gene Hoxa-13. J Mol Evol. 67(6):581-593.
Poole EShehan, Chetty M, Grinter RE, W. Edwards K.  2008.  More Than Meets the Eye: Transforming the User Experience of Home Network Management. Proceedings of the 7th ACM conference on Designing interactive systems. :455-464.
Mesmoudi M M, De Floriani L, Magillo P.  2008.  Morphological analysis of terrains based on discrete curvature and distortion. Proceedings of the 16th ACM SIGSPATIAL international conference on Advances in geographic information systems. :53:1–53:4-53:1–53:4.
Levin D, Baden R, Lumezanu C, Spring N, Bhattacharjee B.  2008.  Motivating participation in internet routing overlays. Proceedings of the 3rd international workshop on Economics of networked systems. :91-96.
Luo W, Wu M, Huang J.  2008.  Mpeg recompression detection based on block artifacts. Proc. of SPIE Electronic Imaging, Security, Steganography, and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents. 6819
Stonedahl F, Rand W, Wilensky U.  2008.  Multi-agent learning with a distributed genetic algorithm. AAMAS 2008: ALAMAS + ALAg Workshop.
Aggarwal G, Ratha NK, Bolle RM, Chellappa R.  2008.  Multi-biometric cohort analysis for biometric fusion. Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, 2008. ICASSP 2008. IEEE International Conference on. :5224-5227.
Tom Yeh, Darrell T.  2008.  Multimodal question answering for mobile devices. Proceedings of the 13th international conference on Intelligent user interfaces. :405-408.
Mohammad S, Dorr BJ, Egan M, Jimmy Lin, Zajic D.  2008.  Multiple alternative sentence compressions and word-pair antonymy for automatic text summarization and recognizing textual entailment. Proceedings of the Text Analysis Conference (TAC-2008), Gaithersburg, MD.
Roy SD, Tran SD, Davis LS, Vikram BS.  2008.  Multi-resolution Tracking in Space and Time. Computer Vision, Graphics Image Processing, 2008. ICVGIP '08. Sixth Indian Conference on. :352-358.
Comic L, De Floriani L.  2008.  Multi-Scale 3D Morse Complexes. Computational Sciences and Its Applications, 2008. ICCSA '08. International Conference on. :441-451.
Haririnia A, Verma R, Purohit N, Twarog MZ, Deshaies RJ, Bolon D, Fushman D.  2008.  Mutations in the Hydrophobic Core of Ubiquitin Differentially Affect Its Recognition by Receptor Proteins. Journal of Molecular Biology. 375(4):979-996.
Hermjakob U, Knight K, Daumé H.  2008.  Name translation in statistical machine translation: Learning when to transliterate. Proceedings of ACL-08: HLT. :389-397.
Tariq MB, Motiwala M, Feamster N.  2008.  NANO: Network Access Neutrality Observatory. GT-CS-08-03
Dao HT, Bazinet A, Berthier R, Shneiderman B.  2008.  NASDAQ Velocity and Forces: An Interactive Visualization of Activity and Change. Journal of Universal Computer Science. 14(9):1391-1410.
