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Khuller S, Martinez M, Nau DS, Sliva A, Simari G, Subrahmanian V.  2007.  Computing most probable worlds of action probabilistic logic programs: scalable estimation for 10^30,000 worlds. Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence. 51(2):295-331.
Fernández1 J A, Minker J, Yahya A.  2007.  COMPUTING PERFECT AND STABLE MODELS USING ORDERED MODEL TREES. Computational Intelligence. 11(1):89-112.
Sidhu T, Klavans J, Jimmy Lin.  2007.  Concept disambiguation for improved subject access using multiple knowledge sources. Proceedings of the Workshop on Language Technology for Cultural Heritage Data (LaTeCH 2007). :25-25.
Hazay C, Katz J, Koo CY, Lindell Y.  2007.  Concurrently-secure blind signatures without random oracles or setup assumptions. Theory of Cryptography. :323-341.
Kuter U, Nau DS, Reisner E, Goldman R.  2007.  Conditionalization: Adapting forward-chaining planners to partially observable environments.
Consolvo S, Harrison B, Smith I, Chen MY, Everitt K, Froehlich J, Landay JA.  2007.  Conducting In Situ Evaluations for and With Ubiquitous Computing Technologies. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction. 22(1-2):103-118.
Swaminathan A, Mao Y, Su G-M, Gou H, Varna AL, He S, M. Wu, Oard D.  2007.  Confidentiality-preserving rank-ordered search. Proceedings of the 2007 ACM workshop on Storage security and survivability. :7-12.
Dachman-Soled D, Sreedhar V.C..  2007.  Configuration Reasoning and Ontology For Web. IEEE International Conference on Services Computing, 2007. SCC 2007. :387-394.
Martinez V, Simari GI, Sliva A, V.S. Subrahmanian.  2007.  CONVEX: Context vectors as a paradigm for learning group behaviors based on similarity. IEEE Intelligent Systems. 23(4):51-57.
Gupta A, Mittal A, Davis LS.  2007.  COST: An Approach for Camera Selection and Multi-Object Inference Ordering in Dynamic Scenes. Computer Vision, 2007. ICCV 2007. IEEE 11th International Conference on. :1-8.
Goodrich MT, Papamanthou C, Tamassia R.  2007.  On the Cost of Persistence and Authentication in Skip Lists. Experimental Algorithms. :94-107.
Yuan X, Cohen M, Memon AM.  2007.  Covering array sampling of input event sequences for automated gui testing. Proceedings of the twenty-second IEEE/ACM international conference on Automated software engineering. :405-408.
Colwell RR, Peeters J.  2007.  Creating a nationwide wireless detection sensor network for chemical, biological and radiological threats. Gentag White Paper.
Kim J-S, Nam B, Marsh M, Keleher P, Bhattacharjee B, Richardson D, Wellnitz D, Sussman A.  2007.  Creating a Robust Desktop Grid using Peer-to-Peer Services. Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, 2007. IPDPS 2007. IEEE International. :1-7.
Shneiderman B.  2007.  Creativity support tools: accelerating discovery and innovation. Commun. ACM. 50(12):20-32.
Chafekar D, Kumar AVS, Marathe MV, Parthasarathy S, Srinivasan A.  2007.  Cross-layer latency minimization in wireless networks with SINR constraints. Proceedings of the 8th ACM international symposium on Mobile ad hoc networking and computing. :110-119.
Eddins MJ, Varadan R, Fushman D, Pickart CM, Wolberger C.  2007.  Crystal Structure and Solution NMR Studies of Lys48-linked Tetraubiquitin at Neutral pH. Journal of Molecular Biology. 367(1):204-211.
V.S. Subrahmanian.  2007.  Cultural modeling in real time. Science. 317(5844):1509-1509.
Nau DS.  2007.  Current Trends in Automated Planning. AI Magazine. 28(4):43-43.
Anthony A, desJardins M.  2007.  Data Clustering with a Relational Push-Pull Model. Data Mining Workshops, 2007. ICDM Workshops 2007. Seventh IEEE International Conference on. :189-194.
Balazinska M, Deshpande A, Franklin MJ, Gibbons PB, Gray J, Hansen M, Liebhold M, Nath S, Szalay A, Tao V.  2007.  Data Management in the Worldwide Sensor Web. IEEE Pervasive Computing. 6(2):30-40.
Sen M, Corretjer I, Haim F, Saha S, Schlessman J, Lv T, Bhattacharyya SS, Wolf W.  2007.  Dataflow-based mapping of computer vision algorithms onto FPGAs. EURASIP Journal on Embedded Systems. 2007(1):29-29.
Jimmy Lin, Zhang P.  2007.  Deconstructing nuggets: the stability and reliability of complex question answering evaluation. Proceedings of the 30th annual international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in information retrieval. :327-334.
Grant J, Minker J.  2007.  Deductive Databases. Wiley Encyclopedia of Computer Science and EngineeringWiley Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Engineering.
Jim T, Swamy N, Hicks MW.  2007.  Defeating script injection attacks with browser-enforced embedded policies. Proceedings of the 16th international conference on World Wide Web. :601-610.
