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Varna AL, M. Wu.  2009.  Modeling content fingerprints using markov random fields. Information Forensics and Security, 2009. WIFS 2009. First IEEE International Workshop on. :111-115.
Greene S, Resnik P.  2009.  More than words: Syntactic packaging and implicit sentiment. Proceedings of Human Language Technologies: The 2009 Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics. :503-511.
Mesmoudi M M, De Floriani L, Magillo P.  2009.  Morphology analysis of 3D scalar fields based on morse theory and discrete distortion. Proceedings of the 17th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems. :187-196.
Liu R, Hannenhalli S, Bucan M.  2009.  Motifs and cis-regulatory modules mediating the expression of genes co-expressed in presynaptic neurons. Genome Biology. 10(7):R72-R72.
Yue Z, Guarino D, Chellappa R.  2009.  Moving Object Verification in Airborne Video Sequences. Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, IEEE Transactions on. 19(1):77-89.
Sundaresan A, Chellappa R.  2009.  Multicamera Tracking of Articulated Human Motion Using Shape and Motion Cues. Image Processing, IEEE Transactions on. 18(9):2114-2126.
Seo J, Shneiderman B.  2009.  Multidimensional Analysis and Visualization on Large Biomedical Data. Statistical Bioinformatics. :157-184.
Rai P, Daumé H.  2009.  Multi-label prediction via sparse infinite CCA. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems. 22:1518-1526.
Boyd-Graber J, Blei DM.  2009.  Multilingual topic models for unaligned text. Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence. :75-82.
Lin Z, Hua G, Davis LS.  2009.  Multiple instance Feature for robust part-based object detection. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2009. CVPR 2009. IEEE Conference on. :405-412.
Motiwala M, bin Tariq M, Anwer B, Andersen D, Feamster N.  2009.  A Narrow Waist for Multipath Routing.
Shneiderman B.  2009.  A National Initiative for Social Participation. ScienceScience. 323(5920):1426-1427.
Erman J, Gerber A, Hajiaghayi MT, Pei D, Spatscheck O.  2009.  Network-aware forward caching. Proceedings of the 18th international conference on World wide web. :291-300.
Khondker M, Bhuiyan R A, Yeasmin J, Alam M, Sack BR, Huq A, Colwell RR.  2009.  New records of phytoplankton for Bangladesh. 9. Some rare and a new species. Bangladesh Journal of Plant Taxonomy. 16(1)
Dumitras T, Narasimhan P.  2009.  No Downtime for Data Conversions: Rethinking Hot Upgrades (CMU-PDL-09-106). Parallel Data Laboratory.
d'Aquino M, Serpico C, Bertotti G, Mayergoyz ID, Bonin R.  2009.  Nonlinear Resonant and Chaotic Dynamics in Microwave Assisted Magnetization Switching. Magnetics, IEEE Transactions on. 45(10):3950-3953.
Daumé H.  2009.  Non-parametric bayesian areal linguistics. Proceedings of Human Language Technologies: The 2009 Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics. :593-601.
Hussein M, Porikli F, Davis LS.  2009.  Object detection via boosted deformable features. Image Processing (ICIP), 2009 16th IEEE International Conference on. :1445-1448.
Gupta A, Kembhavi A, Davis LS.  2009.  Observing Human-Object Interactions: Using Spatial and Functional Compatibility for Recognition. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on. 31(10):1775-1789.
Steinherz T, Doermann D, Rivlin E, Intrator N.  2009.  Off-Line Loop Investigation for Handwriting Analysis. IEEETransactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. 31(2):193-209.
Alaei S, Arcaute E, Khuller S, Ma W, Malekian A, Tomlin J.  2009.  Online allocation of display advertisements subject to advanced sales contracts. Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Data Mining and Audience Intelligence for Advertising. :69-77.
Mundada Y, Sherwood R, Feamster N.  2009.  An OpenFlow switch element for Click. Symposium on Click Modular Router.
Somasundaran S, Namata G, Getoor L, Wiebe J.  2009.  Opinion graphs for polarity and discourse classification. Proceedings of the 2009 Workshop on Graph-based Methods for Natural Language Processing. :66-74.
Vishkin U.  2009.  Optical interconnect structure in a computer system and method of transporting data between processing elements and memory through the optical interconnect structure. 10/529,310(7505822)
Winder RK, Reggia JA, Weems SA, Bunting MF.  2009.  An oscillatory hebbian network model of short-term memory. Neural computation. 21(3):741-761.
