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Vishkin U.  2009.  Optical interconnect structure in a computer system and method of transporting data between processing elements and memory through the optical interconnect structure. 10/529,310(7505822)
Smolyaninov II, Vishkin U, Davis CC.  2010.  Plasmonic Systems and Devices Utilizing Surface Plasmon Polariton. 12/697,595
Vishkin U.  2003.  Prefix sums and an application thereof. : 09/224,104(6542918)
Lathan CE, Tracey MR, Vice JM, Druin A, Plaisant C.  2005.  Robotic apparatus and wireless communication system. 10/085,821(6895305)
Vishkin U.  2009.  Spawn-join instruction set architecture for providing explicit multithreading. 10/236,934(7523293)
Swaminathan A, Mao Y, Su G-M, Gou H, Varna AL, He S, M. Wu, Oard D.  2010.  System and Method for Confidentiality-Preserving Rank-Ordered Search. 12/608,724
Evans F, Skiena S, Varshney A.  2002.  System and method for entering text in a virtual environment. : 09/364,433(6407679)
Agrawala AK, Varshney A, Almazan CB.  2009.  System and Method for Spatio-Temporal-Context Aware Interaction of Users .... 12/267,921
Cole R, Vishkin U.  1986.  The accelerated centroid decomposition technique for optimal parallel tree evaluation in logarithmic time, Ultracomputer Note-108.
Kozen D, Teitelbaum T, Chen WZ, Field JH, Pugh W, Vander Zanden BT.  1987.  ALEX-an Alexical Programming Language. TR87-835
Varshney A, Wright WV, Brooks Jr FP.  1993.  Bounding the number of neighbors in protein molecules. UNC-CS-TR-93-039
Ramachandran A, Seetharaman S, Feamster N, Vazirani V.  2007.  Building a Better Mousetrap. GIT-CSS-07-01
Dorr BJ, Voss C.  1992.  Constraining MT divergences: spatial relations in the lexicon and knowledge base.
Lee W, Dagon D, Giffin J, Feamster N, Ollman G, Westby J, Wesson R, Vixie P.  2011.  Countering Botnets: Anomaly-Based Detection, Comprehensive Analysis, and Efficient Mitigation.
Feamster N, Voellmy A, Agarwal A, Hudak P, Burnett S, Launchbury J.  2010.  Don't Configure the Network, Program It! Domain-Specific Programming Languages for Network Systems. YALEU/DCS/RR-1432
Ramachandran A, Hao S, Khandelwal H, Feamster N, Vempala S.  2008.  A Dynamic Reputation Service for Spotting Spammers. GT-CS-08-09
Hochstein L, Nakamura T, Shull F, Zazworka N, Voelp M, Zelkowitz MV, Basili VR.  2007.  An Environment of Conducting Families of Software Engineering Experiments.
Ramachandran A, Feamster N, Krishnamurthy B, Spatscheck O, Van der Merwe J.  2008.  Fishing for Phishing from the Network Stream. GT-CS-08-08
Varshney A, Agarwal PK, Brooks Jr FP, Wright WV, Weber H.  1995.  Generating levels of detail for large-scale polygonal models. CS-1995-20
Bista S, Varshney A.  2010.  Global Contours. CS-TR-4957
Bhatia S, Motiwala M, Muhlbauer W, Valancius V, Bavier A, Feamster N, Peterson L, Rexford J.  2008.  Hosting virtual networks on commodity hardware. GT-CS-07-10
Doermann D, Varma V, Rosenfeld A.  1992.  Instrument Grasp: AModel and its Effects on Handwritten Strokes. CAR-TR-614
Tzannes A, Barua R, Caragea G, Vishkin U.  2006.  Issues in writing a parallel compiler starting from a serial compiler.
Kim H, Voellmy A, Burnett S, Feamster N, Clark R.  2012.  Lithium: Event-Driven Network Control. GT-CS-12-03
