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Agrawala AK, Varshney A, Almazan CB.  2009.  System and Method for Spatio-Temporal-Context Aware Interaction of Users .... 12/267,921
Feamster N, Hassan U, Sundaresan S, Valancius V, Johari R, Vazirani V.  2009.  Towards an Internet Connectivity Market. GT-CS-09-01
Feamster N, Hassan U, Sundaresan S, Valancius V, Johari R, Vazirani V.  2009.  Towards an Internet Connectivity Market. GT-CS-09-01
Turaga P, Veeraraghavan A, Chellappa R.  2009.  Unsupervised view and rate invariant clustering of video sequences. Computer Vision and Image Understanding. 113(3):353-371.
Hierons RM, Krause P, Lüttgen G, Simons AJH, Vilkomir S, Woodward MR, Zedan H, Bogdanov K, Bowen JP, Cleaveland R et al..  2009.  Using formal specifications to support testing. ACM Computing Surveys. 41:1-76.
Stantchev G, Juba D, Dorland W, Varshney A.  2009.  Using Graphics Processors for High-Performance Computation and Visualization of Plasma Turbulence. Computing in Science Engineering. 11(2):52-59.
Vuillemot R, Clement T, Plaisant C, Kumar A.  2009.  What's being said near "Martha"? Exploring name entities in literary text collections Visual Analytics Science and Technology, 2009. VAST 2009. IEEE Symposium on. :107-114.
Van Horn D, Might M.  2010.  Abstracting Abstract Machines. arXiv:1007.4446 [cs].
Turaga P, Chellappa R, Veeraraghavan A.  2010.  Advances in Video-Based Human Activity Analysis: Challenges and Approaches. Advances in ComputersAdvances in Computers. Volume 80:237-290.
Vidal ME, Raschid L, Márquez N, Rivera J, Ruckhaus E.  2010.  BioNav: An Ontology-Based Framework to Discover Semantic Links in the Cloud of Linked Data. The Semantic Web: Research and Applications. :441-445.
Burnett S, Feamster N, Vempala S.  2010.  Chipping away at censorship firewalls with user-generated content. Proc. 19th USENIX Security Symposium, Washington, DC.
Burnett S, Feamster N, Vempala S.  2010.  Circumventing censorship with collage. Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM 2010 conference. :471-472.
Chellappa R, Veeraraghavan A.  2010.  Comment-Gait-Based Human Recognition by Classification of Cyclostationary Processes on Nonlinear Shape Manifolds. Journal of the American Statistical Association. 102(480):1126-1126.
Vishkin U.  2010.  Computer Memory Architecture for Hybrid Serial and Parallel Computing Systems. 12/721,252
Feamster N, Voellmy A, Agarwal A, Hudak P, Burnett S, Launchbury J.  2010.  Don't Configure the Network, Program It! Domain-Specific Programming Languages for Network Systems. YALEU/DCS/RR-1432
Vezzulli L, Pruzzo C, Huq A, Colwell RR.  2010.  Environmental reservoirs of Vibrio cholerae and their role in cholera. Environmental Microbiology Reports. 2(1):27-33.
Chang S, Van Horn D, Felleisen M.  2010.  Evaluating Call-By-Need on the Control Stack. arXiv:1009.3174 [cs].
Liu M-Y, Tuzel O, Veeraraghavan A, Chellappa R.  2010.  Fast directional chamfer matching. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2010 IEEE Conference on. :1696-1703.
Lu W, Varna AL, Wu M.  2010.  Forensic hash for multimedia information. SPIE Media Forensics and Security. :7541–0Y-7541–0Y.
Varna AL, Chuang WH, Wu M.  2010.  A framework for theoretical analysis of content fingerprinting. Proc. of SPIE Media Forensics and Security.
Caragea GC, Keceli F, Tzannes A, Vishkin U.  2010.  General-purpose vs. gpu: Comparison of many-cores on irregular workloads. Proceedings of the Second Usenix Workshop on Hot Topics in Parallelism. :14-15.
Bista S, Varshney A.  2010.  Global Contours. CS-TR-4957
Garg R, Varna AL, M. Wu.  2010.  Gradient descent approach for secure localization in resource constrained wireless sensor networks. Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2010 IEEE International Conference on. :1854-1857.
Gordon S, Katz J, Vaikuntanathan V.  2010.  A group signature scheme from lattice assumptions. Advances in Cryptology-ASIACRYPT 2010. :395-412.
