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Gordon D, Katz J, Kolesnikov V, Malkin T, Raykova M, Vahlis Y.  2011.  Secure computation with sublinear amortized work.
Li Y, Zheng Y, Doermann D, Jaeger S.  2006.  Script-Independent Text Line Segmentation in Freestyle Handwritten Documents. LAMP-TR-136, CS-TR-4836, UMIACS-TR-2006-51, CFAR-TR-1017
Srinivasan A.  1997.  Scheduling and load-balancing via randomization. TR11/97
Bader DA, JaJa JF, Chellappa R.  1998.  Scalable Data Parallel Algorithms for Texture Synthesis and Compression using Gibbs Random Fields. UMIACS-TR-93-80
Crary K, Hicks MW, Weirich S.  2000.  Safe and Flexible Dynamic Linking of Native Code. Technical Reports (CIS).
Mundur P, Lee S, Seligman M.  2006.  Routing in Delay Tolerant Networks Using Storage Domains. UMIACS-TR-2007-01
Von Matt U, Stewart G.W.  1998.  Rounding Errors in Solving Block Hessenberg Systems. UMIACS-TR-94-105
Zheng Y, Doermann D.  2004.  Robust Point Matching for Non-Rigid Shapes: ARelaxation Labeling Based Approach. LAMP-TR-117,CAR-TR-1005,CS-TR-4633,UMIACS-TR-2004-75
Agrawala AK.  2001.  Revolutionary Advances in Ubiquitious, Real-Time Multicomputers and Runtime Environments. A340293:225-225.
Vutukuru M, Feamster N, Walfish M, Balakrishnan H, Shenker S.  2006.  Revisiting Internet addressing: Back to the future. MIT-CSAIL-TR-2006-025
Bangera R, Rand W.  2000.  Reverse Engineering and UML: A Case Study of AuctionBot. EECS 581
Stewart G.W.  2007.  A Residual Inverse Power Method. UMIACS-TR-2007-09
Gannon J, Basili VR, Zelkowitz MV, Yeh R.  1985.  Research in Programming Languages and Software Engineering..
Dori D, Doermann D, Shin C, Haralick R, Phillips I, Buchman M, Ross D.  1995.  The representation of document structure: A generic object-process approach. CAR-TR-785
Dorr BJ, Gaasterland T.  1992.  Reflecting time in generated text: tense, aspect and temporal connecting words.
Doermann D, Rosenfeld A.  1991.  Recovery of Temporal Information from Static Images of Handwriting. CAR-TR-595
Smorul M, JaJa JF, McCall F, Brown S F, Moore R, Marciano R, Chen S-Y, Lopez R, Chadduck R.  2003.  Recovery of a Digital Image Collection Through the SDSC/UMD/NARA Prototype Persistent Archive. UMIACS-TR-2003-105
Elaine Shi, Lu Y, Reid M.  2005.  Recovering from Intrusions in the OSPF Data-plane. Selected Project Reports, Spring 2005 Advanced OS & Distributed Systems (15-712).
Jacobs DW.  1993.  Recognizing 3-D objects using 2-D images.
Yang C, Duraiswami R, Elgammal A, Davis LS.  2004.  Real-Time Kernel-Based Tracking in Joint Feature-Spatial Spaces. Technical Reports from UMIACS.
Friedler SA, Mount D.  2010.  Realistic Compression of Kinetic Sensor Data. CS-TR-4959
Wongsuphasawat K, Plaisant C, Shneiderman B.  2009.  Querying timestamped event sequences by exact search or similarity-based search: design and empirical evaluation. HCIL-2009-20
Wang F, Feamster N, Gao L.  2006.  Quantifying the effects of routing dynamics on end-to-end Internet path failures. TR-05-CSE-03
Stewart G.W.  1998.  QR Sometimes Beats Jacobi. UMIACS-TR-95-32
Clark R, Feamster N, Nayak A, Reimers A.  2009.  Pushing Enterprise Security Down the Network Stack. GT-CS-09-03
