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Etherington DW, Kraus S, Perlis D.  1990.  Limited scope and circumscriptive reasoning. International Journal of Expert Systems. 3(3):207-217.
Elman H, Golub GH.  1990.  Line iterative methods for cyclically reduced discrete convection-diffusion problems.
JaJa JF, Ryu KW.  1990.  Load balancing on the hypercube and related networks. Proceedings of 1990 International Conference on Parallel Processing. 1:203-210.
Doermann D, Rosenfeld A.  1990.  Mailpiece Preprocessing: The population of Character Parts. ATC. :961-972.
Raschid L.  1990.  Maintaining consistency in a stratified production system program. Proceedings of the AAAI National Conference on Artificial Intelligence. :284-289.
Chu B-TB, Reggia JA.  1990.  Modeling diagnostic problem-solving at multiple levels of abstraction. Artificial Intelligence Applications, 1990., Sixth Conference on. :55-61vol.1-55-61vol.1.
Aloimonos Y, Huang L.  1990.  Motion--Boundary Illusions and their Regularization. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences. 242(1304):75-81.
Bobrow RJ, Resnik P, Weischedel RM.  1990.  Multiple underlying systems: Translating user requests into programs to produce answers. Proceedings of the 28th annual meeting on Association for Computational Linguistics. :227-234.
Mount D.  1990.  The number of shortest paths on the surface of a polyhedron. SIAM Journal on Computing. 19:593-593.
Khuller S, Mitchell SG, Vazirani VV.  1990.  On-line algorithms for weighted matching and stable marriages. TR90-1143
Amir A, Roussopoulos N.  1990.  Optimal view caching. Information Systems. 15(2):169-171.
Mount D, Silverman R.  1990.  Packing and covering the plane with translates of a convex polygon. Journal of Algorithms. 11(4):564-580.
Darling JP, Mayergoyz ID.  1990.  Parallel algorithm for the solution of nonlinear poisson equation of semiconductor device theory and its implementation on the IVIPP. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing. 8(2):161-168.
O'Leary DP, Whitman P.  1990.  Parallel QR factorization by householder and modified Gram-Schmidt algorithms. Parallel Computing. 16(1):99-112.
Reggia JA, D'Autrechy CL.  1990.  Parsimonious covering theory in cognitive diagnosis and adaptive instruction. Diagnostic Monitoring of Skill and Knowledge AcquisitionDiagnostic Monitoring of Skill and Knowledge Acquisition. :510-510.
Aloimonos Y.  1990.  Perspective approximations. Image and Vision Computing. 8(3):179-192.
Reggia JA, Edwards M.  1990.  Phase transitions in connectionist models having rapidly varying connection strengths. Neural Computation. 2(4):523-535.
Cleaveland R, Steffen B.  1990.  A preorder for partial process specifications. CONCUR'90 Theories of Concurrency: Unification and Extension. :141-151.
Cleaveland R, Hennessy M.  1990.  Priorities in process algebras. Information and Computation. 87(1-2):58-77.
Pugh W.  1990.  Probabilistic analysis of set operations with constant-time set equality test. Advances in Computing and Information—ICCI'90. :62-71.
Aloimonos Y.  1990.  Purposive and qualitative active vision. Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 1990. i:346-360vol.1-346-360vol.1.
Elgot-Drapkin JJ, Perlis D.  1990.  Reasoning situated in time I: Basic concepts. Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intellige. 2(1):75-98.
O'Leary DP.  1990.  Robust Regression Computation Using Iteratively Reweighted Least Squares. SIAM Journal of Matrix Analysis and Applications. 11:466-480.
Pepling M, Mount SM.  1990.  Sequence of a cDNA from the Drosophila melanogaster white gene.. Nucleic Acids ResearchNucleic Acids Res. 18(6):1633-1633.
Pugh W.  1990.  Skip lists: a probabilistic alternative to balanced trees. Communications of the ACMCommun. ACM. 33(6):668-676.
