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Weissman A, Petrov M, Gupta SK.  2011.  A computational framework for authoring and searching product design specifications. Advanced Engineering Informatics. 25(3):516-534.
Kanodia JS, Kim Y, Tomer R, Khan Z, Chung K, Storey JD, Lu H, Keller PJ, Shvartsman SY.  2011.  A computational statistics approach for estimating the spatial range of morphogen gradients. Development. 138(22):4867-4874.
Vitali M, De Floriani L, Magillo P.  2011.  Computing morse decompositions for triangulated terrains: an analysis and an experimental evaluation. Image Analysis and Processing–ICIAP 2011. :565-574.
Bazinet AL, Cummings MP.  2011.  Computing the Tree of Life: Leveraging the Power of Desktop and Service Grids. Parallel and Distributed Processing Workshops and Phd Forum (IPDPSW), 2011 IEEE International Symposium on. :1896-1902.
Katz J, Malka L.  2011.  Constant-Round Private Function Evaluation with Linear Complexity. Advances in Cryptology–ASIACRYPT 2011. :556-571.
Winternitz LB, Nicholls SO, Tits Aé, O'Leary DP.  2011.  A Constraint-Reduced Variant of Mehrotra's Predictor-Corrector Algorithm. Computational Optimization and Applications.
Wei Z, JaJa JF.  2011.  Constructing Inverted Files on a Cluster of Multicore Processors Near Peak I/O Throughput. UMIACS-TR-2011-03
Teo CL, Yang Y, Daumé H, Fermüller C, Aloimonos Y.  2011.  A Corpus-Guided Framework for Robotic Visual Perception. Workshops at the Twenty-Fifth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence.
Zajic D, Maxwell M, Doermann D, Rodrigues P, Bloodgood M.  2011.  Correcting Errors in Digital Lexicographic Resources Using a Dictionary Manipulation Language. Electronic lexicography in the 21st century: new applications for new users (eLEX2011). :297-301.
Kingsford C, Zaslavsky E, Singh M.  2011.  A cost-aggregating integer linear program for motif finding. Journal of Discrete Algorithms. 9(4):326-334.
Lee W, Dagon D, Giffin J, Feamster N, Ollman G, Westby J, Wesson R, Vixie P.  2011.  Countering Botnets: Anomaly-Based Detection, Comprehensive Analysis, and Efficient Mitigation.
Xie B, Tom Yeh, Walsh G, Watkins I, Huang M.  2011.  Co‐designing contextual tutorials for older adults on searching health information on the internet. Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology. 48(1):1-4.
Tom Yeh, Chang T-H, Xie B, Walsh G, Watkins I, Wongsuphasawat K, Huang M, Davis LS, Bederson BB.  2011.  Creating contextual help for GUIs using screenshots. Proceedings of the 24th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology. :145-154.
McNamee P, Mayfield J, Lawrie D, Oard D, Doermann D.  2011.  Cross Language Entity Linking. IJCNLP: International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing.
McNamee P, Mayfield J, Oard D, Doermann D, Xu T, Wu K.  2011.  Cross-Language Entity Linking in Maryland during a Hurricane. TAC.
Shen C-C, Plishker W, Bhattacharyya SS.  2011.  Dataflow-based Design and Implementation of Image Processing Applications. Technical Reports from UMIACS.
Bhattacharyya SS, Shen C-C, Plishker W, Sane N, Wu H-H, Gu R.  2011.  Dataflow-Based Implementation of Layered Sensing Applications.
Song S, Keleher P, Bhattacharjee B, Sussman A.  2011.  Decentralized, accurate, and low-cost network bandwidth prediction. 2011 Proceedings IEEE INFOCOM. :6-10.
Baras JS, Katz J, Altman E.  2011.  Decision and Game Theory for Security: Second International Conference, GameSec 2011, College Park, MD, Maryland, USA, November 14-15, 2011, Proceedings.
Moustafa WE, Namata G, Deshpande A, Getoor L.  2011.  Declarative analysis of noisy information networks. 2011 IEEE 27th International Conference on Data Engineering Workshops (ICDEW). :106-111.
Canino D, De Floriani L.  2011.  A Decomposition-based Approach to Modeling and Understanding Arbitrary Shapes. Eurographics Italian Chapter Conference 2011. :53-60.
Jorstad A, Jacobs DW, Trouve A.  2011.  A deformation and lighting insensitive metric for face recognition based on dense correspondences. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2011 IEEE Conference on. :2353-2360.
Bejgerowski W, Gerdes J, Gupta SK, Bruck H.  2011.  Design and fabrication of miniature compliant hinges for multi-material compliant mechanisms. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 57(5):437-452.
Cho I, Shen C-C, Potbhare S, Bhattacharyya SS, Goldsman N.  2011.  Design methods for Wireless Sensor Network Building Energy Monitoring Systems. 2011 IEEE 36th Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN). :974-981.
Ananthanarayanan A, Ehrlich L, Desai JP, Gupta SK.  2011.  Design of Revolute Joints for In-Mold Assembly Using Insert Molding. Journal of Mechanical Design. 133:121010-121010.
