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Journal Articles
Canetti R, Halevi S, Katz J, Lindell Y, MacKenzie P.  2005.  Universally composable password-based key exchange. Advances in Cryptology–Eurocrypt 2005. :557-557.
Shneiderman B.  2001.  University of Maryland, USA. Fifth International Conference on Information Visualisation: 25-27 July 2001 London, England: Proceedings. :3-3.
Oard D.  2008.  Unlocking the Potential of the Spoken Word. Science. 321(5897):1787-1788.
Baby T, Kim Y, Varshney A.  2005.  Unsupervised learning applied to progressive compression of time-dependent geometry. Computers & Graphics. 29(3):451-461.
Turaga P, Veeraraghavan A, Chellappa R.  2009.  Unsupervised view and rate invariant clustering of video sequences. Computer Vision and Image Understanding. 113(3):353-371.
Zelkowitz MV.  2009.  An update to experimental models for validating computer technology. Journal of Systems and Software. 82(3):373-376.
Martin, M.P, Priebe S, Wu M.  2008.  Upstream and downstream influence on the unsteadiness of STBLI using DNS data in two configurations. AIAA Paper 2008-0719, 46, h.
Liu KJR, O'Leary DP, Stewart G.W, Wu Y-JJ.  1994.  URV ESPRIT for tracking time-varying signals. Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on. 42(12):3441-3448.
Goldberg L, Lide B, Lowry S, Massett HA, O'Connell T, Preece J, Quesenbery W, Shneiderman B.  2011.  Usability and Accessibility in Consumer Health Informatics: Current Trends and Future Challenges. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 40(5, Supplement 2):S187-S197-S187-S197.
Zaitchik B.F, Guikema S.D, Haley B.J, Taviani E., Chen A., Brown M.E., Huq A., Colwell RR.  2015.  Use of Environmental Parameters to Model Pathogenic Vibrios in Chesapeake Bay. Journal of Environmental Informatics.
Dorr BJ.  1992.  The use of lexical semantics in interlingual machine translation. Machine Translation. 7(3):135-193.
Elman H, Lee DK-Y.  1995.  Use of linear algebra kernels to build an efficient finite element solver. Parallel Computing. 21(1):161-173.
Kim J, Oard D.  2002.  The use of speech retrieval systems: a study design. Information retrieval techniques for speech applications. :86-93.
Hansen P C, O'Leary DP.  1993.  The Use of the L-Curve in the Regularization of Discrete Ill-Posed Problems. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing. 14(6):1487-1503.
Samet H, Alborzi H, Brabec F, Esperança C, Hjaltason GR, Morgan F, Tanin E.  2003.  Use of the SAND spatial browser for digital government applications. Commun. ACM. 46(1):61-64.
Jog N, Shneiderman B.  1994.  User Controlled Smooth Zooming for Information Visualization. Institute for Systems Research Technical Reports.
Lazar J, Jones A, Bessiere K, Ceaparu I, Shneiderman B.  2005.  User Frustration with Technology in the Workplace (2004). Institute for Systems Research Technical Reports.
Chimera R, Shneiderman B.  1993.  User interface consistency: an evaluation of original and revised interfaces for a videodisk library. Sparks of innovation in human-computer interaction. :259-259.
Shneiderman B.  2004.  User interface design with speech technologies : A cognitive limitations review. Sprache und Datenverarbeitung. 28(2):101-109.
Seaman CB, Mendonca MG, Basili VR, Kim YM.  2003.  User interface evaluation and empirically-based evolution of a prototype experience management tool. Software Engineering, IEEE Transactions on. 29(9):838-850.
Seabrook RHC, Shneiderman B.  1989.  The user interface in a hypertext, multiwindow program browser. Interacting with computers. 1(3):301-337.
Vanniamparampil AJ, Shneiderman B, Plaisant C, Rose A.  1998.  User Interface Reengineering: A Diagnostic Approach. Technical Reports of the Computer Science Department.
Plaisant C, Rose A, Shneiderman B, Vanniamparampil AJ.  1997.  User Interface Reengineering: Low-Effort, High-Payoff Strategies. IEEE Software. 14(4):66-72.
Lane CJ, Kuester SP, Shneiderman B.  1997.  User Interfaces for a Complex Robotic Task: A Comparison of Tiles vs. Overlapped Windows. Institute for Systems Research Technical Reports.
Jimmy Lin.  2007.  User simulations for evaluating answers to question series. Information Processing & Management. 43(3):717-729.
