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Takala SL, Coulibaly D, Thera MA, Batchelor AH, Cummings MP, Escalante AA, Ouattara A, Traoré K, Niangaly A, Djimdé AA et al..  2009.  Extreme polymorphism in a vaccine antigen and risk of clinical malaria: implications for vaccine development. Sci Transl Med. 1(2):2ra5-2ra5.
Zhou S K, Chellappa R, Aggarwal G.  2009.  Face Recognition from Video. The Essential Guide to Video Processing (Second Edition)The Essential Guide to Video Processing (Second Edition). :653-688.
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Tom Yeh, Lee JJ, Darrell T.  2009.  Fast concurrent object localization and recognition. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2009. CVPR 2009. IEEE Conference on. :280-287.
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Navlakha S, White JR, Nagarajan N, Pop M, Kingsford C.  2009.  Finding Biologically Accurate Clusterings in Hierarchical Decompositions Using the Variation of Information. Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Research in Computational Molecular Biology. 5541:400-417.
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Varadarajan R, Hristidis V, Raschid L, Vidal ME, Ibá\ nez L, Rodríguez-Drumond H.  2009.  Flexible and efficient querying and ranking on hyperlinked data sources. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Extending Database Technology: Advances in Database Technology. :553-564.
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Weissman A, Gupta SK, Fiorentini X, Sudarsan R, Sriram R.  2009.  Formal Representation of Product Design Specifications for Validating Product Design. :1411-1422.
Druin A, Bederson BB, Rose A, Weeks A.  2009.  From New Zealand to Mongolia: Co-designing and deploying a digital library for the world's children. Special issue of Children, Youth and Environments: Children in Technological Environments: Interaction, Development, and Design.
Sayyadi H, Getoor L.  2009.  FutureRank: Ranking scientific articles by predicting their future PageRank. Proceedings of the 9th SIAM International Conference on Data Mining. :533-544.
Shah R, Lu Y, Hinkle CC, McGillicuddy FC, Kim R, Hannenhalli S, Cappola TP, Heffron S, Wang XM, Mehta NN et al..  2009.  Gene Profiling of Human Adipose Tissue During Evoked Inflammation In Vivo. DiabetesDiabetes. 58(10):2211-2219.
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Banerjee AG, Balijepalli A, Gupta SK, LeBrun TW.  2009.  Generating simplified trapping probability models from simulation of optical tweezers system. Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering. 9:021003-021003.
Mohammad S, Dorr BJ, Egan M, Hassan A, Muthukrishan P, Qazvinian V, Radev D, Zajic D.  2009.  Generating surveys of scientific paradigms. Proceedings of HLT-NAACL.
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Brettin T S[L A N L, Bruce D C[L A N L, Challacombe J F[L A N L, Detter J C[L A N L, Han C S[L A N L, Munik C[L A N LA, Chertkov O[L A N L, Meincke L[L A N L, Saunders E[L A N L, Choi S Y[SEOUL NATL UNIV et al..  2009.  Genome assortment, not serogroup, defines Vibrio cholerae pandemic strains. Nature.
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Tamassia R, Palazzi B, Papamanthou C.  2009.  Graph Drawing for Security Visualization. Graph Drawing. :2-13.
