Models and high-performance algorithms for global BRDF retrieval

TitleModels and high-performance algorithms for global BRDF retrieval
Publication TypeJournal Articles
Year of Publication1998
AuthorsZhang Z, Kalluri SNV, JaJa JF, Liang S, Townshend JRG
JournalComputational Science Engineering, IEEE
Pagination16 - 29
Date Published1998/12//oct
ISBN Number1070-9924
Keywordsalgorithms;, BRDF, Earth, geomorphology;, geophysical, global, high-performance, IBM, information, light, machines;, models;, Parallel, processing;, reflectivity;, retrieval, retrieval;, scattering;, signal, SP2;, surface;

The authors describe three models for retrieving information related to the scattering of light on the Earth's surface. Using these models, they've developed algorithms for the IBM SP2 that efficiently retrieve this information
