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Reggia JA, Berndt RS.  1986.  Modelling reading aloud and its relevance to acquired dyslexia. Computer methods and programs in biomedicine. 22(1):13-19.
Shneiderman B.  1986.  No members, no officers, no dues: A ten year history of the software psychology society. ACM SIGCHI Bulletin. 18(2):14-16.
Maon Y, Schieber B, Vishkin U.  1986.  Parallel ear decomposition search (EDS) and st-numbering in graphs. Theoretical Computer Science. 47:277-298.
Raschid L, Su SYW.  1986.  A parallel processing strategy for evaluating recursive queries. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases. :412-419.
Minker J, Perlis D, Subramanian K.  1986.  A Parallel Self-Modifying Default Reasoning System. AAAI. :923-927.
Ahuja SB, Reggia JA.  1986.  The parsimonious covering model for inexact abductive reasoning in diagnostic systems. Recent Developments in the Theory and Applications of Fuzzy Sets. Proceedings of NAFIPS. :86-1986.
Elman H, Streit R.  1986.  Polynomial iteration for nonsymmetric indefinite linear systems. Numerical Analysis. :103-117.
Son SH, Agrawala AK.  1986.  Practicality of non-interfering checkpoints in distributed database systems. IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium, New Orleans, Louisiana. :234-241.
Elman H, Schultz MH.  1986.  Preconditioning by Fast Direct Methods for Nonself-Adjoint Nonseparable Elliptic Equations. SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis. 23(1):44-57.
Drapkin J, Perlis D.  1986.  A preliminary excursion into step-logics. Proceedings of the ACM SIGART international symposium on Methodologies for intelligent systems -. :262-269.
Roussopoulos N, Kang H.  1986.  Principles and techniques in the design of ADMS+((advanced data-base management system)). Computer. 19:19-23.
Nau DS, Reggia JA.  1986.  Relationships between deductive and abductive inference in knowledge-based diagnostic problem solving. Expert Database Systems: Proceedings of the First International Workshop. New York: Benjamin Cummings.
Perlis D.  1986.  Self-reference, knowledge, belief, and modality. Proc 5th National Conference on AI. :416-420.
Shneiderman B.  1986.  Seven plus or minus two central issues in human-computer interaction. ACM SIGCHI Bulletin - Special issue: CHI '86 Conference Proceedings. 17(4):343-349.
Aloimonos Y, Basu A.  1986.  Shape and 3-d motion from contour without point to point correspondences: General principles. CVPR86. :518-527.
Raschid L, Fei T, Lam H, Su SYW.  1986.  A Special-Function Unit for Sorting and Sort-Based Database Operations. IEEE Transactions on Computers. C-35(12):1071-1077.
Elman H.  1986.  A Stability Analysis of Incomplete LU Factorizations. Mathematics of Computation. 47(175):191-217.
Drapkin J, Perlis D.  1986.  Step-logics: An alternative approach to limited reasoning. Proceedings of the European Conf. on Artificial Intelligence. :160-163.
Alon N, Azar Y, Vishkin U.  1986.  Tight complexity bounds for parallel comparison sorting. 27th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science. :502-510.
Ahuja SB, Reggia JA.  1986.  Using abductive inferencing to derive complex error classifications for discrete sequential processes. Proceedings of the 19th annual symposium on Simulation. :207-225.
