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Mount D, Pu F-T.  1998.  Stabbing Orthogonal Objects in 3-Space. UMIACS-TR-96-71
Hicks MW, Hornof L, Moore JT, Nettles SM.  1998.  A study of large object spaces. Proceedings of the 1st international symposium on Memory management. :138-145.
Stewart G.W.  1998.  On Sublinear Convergence. UMIACS-TR-95-92
Dorr BJ, Jordan PW, Benoit JW.  1998.  A Survey of Current Paradigms in Machine Translation.
Oard D, Dorr BJ.  1998.  A Survey of Multilingual Text Retrieval.
Alexander DS, Arbaugh WA, Hicks MW, Kakkar P, Keromytis AD, Moore JT, Gunter CA, Nettles SM, Smith JM.  1998.  The SwitchWare active network architecture. IEEE Network. 12(3):29-36.
Alexander DS, Hicks MW, Kakkar P, Keromytis AD, Shaw M, Moore JT, Gunter CA, Jim T, Nettles SM, Smith JM.  1998.  The switchware active network implementation. The ML Workshop, International Conference on Functional Programming (ICFP).
Chang C, Acharya A, Sussman A, Saltz J.  1998.  T2. ACM SIGMOD Record. 27:58-66.
Delis A, Roussopoulos N.  1998.  Techniques for update handling in the enhanced client-server DBMS. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering. 10(3):458-476.
Aboutabl M, Agrawala AK, Decotignie J-D.  1998.  Temporally determinate disk access (extended abstract): an experimental approach. Proceedings of the 1998 ACM SIGMETRICS joint international conference on Measurement and modeling of computer systems. :280-281.
Li H, Doermann D, Kia O.  1998.  Text Extraction and Recognition in Digital Video. Proceedings of Third IAPRWorkshop on Document Analysis Systems. :119-128.
Dorr BJ, Habash N, Traum D.  1998.  A Thematic Hierarchy for Efficient Generation from Lexical-Conceptual Structure. Machine Translation and the Information SoupMachine Translation and the Information Soup. 1529:333-343.
Kerr DC, Goldsman N, Mayergoyz ID.  1998.  Three-Dimensional Hydrodynamic Modeling of MOSFET Devices. VLSI Design. 6(1-4):261-265.
Mundur P, Sood A, Simon R.  1998.  Threshold-based admission control for multi-class video-on-demand systems. Performance, Computing and Communications, 1998. IPCCC '98., IEEE International. :154-160.
Roginsky J, Stewart G.W.  1998.  Time-Domain Extraction of Broad-Band Sources by Tikhonov-Phillips Regularization of Triangular Toeplitz Kernels*. UMIACS-TR-95-87
El-Sana J, Varshney A.  1998.  Topology simplification for polygonal virtual environments. Visualization and Computer Graphics, IEEE Transactions on. 4(2):133-144.
Shneiderman B.  1998.  Treemaps for space-constrained visualization of hierarchies. ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) Volume. 11:92-99.
Tilghman S, Astin HS, Brinkley W, Chilton MD, Cummings MP, Ehrenberg RG, Fox MF, Glenn K, Green PJ, Hans S et al..  1998.  Trends in the Early Careers of Life Scientists.
Tilghman S, Astin HS, Brinkley W, Chilton MD, Cummings MP, Ehrenberg RG, Fox MF, Glenn K, Green PJ, Hans S et al..  1998.  Trends in the early careers of life scientists - Preface and executive summary. Mol Biol Cell. 9(11):3007-3015.
Stewart G.W.  1998.  The Triangular Matrices of Gaussian Elimination and Related Decompositions. UMIACS-TR-95-91
Stewart G.W.  1998.  Two Algorithms for the The Efficient Computation of Truncated Pivoted QR Approximations to a Sparse Matrix. UMIACS-TR-98-12
Stewart G.W.  1998.  Two Simple Residual Bounds for the Eigenvalues of Hermitian Matrices. UMIACS-TR-89-123
Hicks MW.  1998.  Types and intermediate representations. Technical Reports (CIS). :796-796.
Alter TD, Jacobs DW.  1998.  Uncertainty propagation in model-based recognition. International Journal of Computer Vision. 27(2):127-159.
Plaisant C, Tarnoff P, Saraf A, Rose A.  1998.  Understanding Transportation Management Systems Performance with a Simulation-Based Learning Environment. Technical Reports of the Computer Science Department.
