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Bhattacharyya SS, Lee EA.  1994.  Looped schedules for dataflow descriptions of multirate signal processing algorithms. Formal Methods in System Design. 5(3):183-205.
Dorr BJ.  1994.  Machine translation divergences: a formal description and proposed solution. Comput. Linguist.. 20(4):597-633.
Cho S, Reggia JA.  1994.  Map formation in proprioceptive cortex.. International journal of neural systems. 5(2):87-87.
Zelkowitz MV, Tian J.  1994.  Measuring prime program complexity. Information Sciences. 77(3–4):325-350.
Perlis D, V.S. Subrahmanian.  1994.  Meta-languages, reflection principles and self-reference. Handbook of logic in artificial intelligence and logic programming. :323-358.
Bederson BB, Wallace RS, Schwartz EL.  1994.  A miniature pan-tilt actuator: the spherical pointing motor. IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation. 10(3):298-308.
Cheng ST, Hwang SI, Agrawala AK.  1994.  Mission-oriented replication of periodic tasks in real-time distributed systems. Computer Science Technical Report Series; Vol. CS-TR-3256. :24-24.
Goodall S, Reggia JA, Cho S.  1994.  Modeling brain adaptation to focal damage.. Proceedings of the Annual Symposium on Computer Application in Medical Care. :860-860.
Hilke J, Lohn J, Reggia JA, Navarro R.  1994.  A modified cellular automata model of nucleotide interactions and DNA replication.
Rivlin E, Botafogo R, Shneiderman B.  1994.  Navigating in hyperspace: designing a structure-based toolbox. Communications of the ACM. 37(2):87-96.
Armentrout SL, Reggia JA, Weinrich M.  1994.  A neural model of cortical map reorganization following a focal lesion. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine. 6(5):383-400.
Atallah GC, Ball MO, Baras JS, Goli SK, Karne RK, Kelley S, Kumar HP, Plaisant C, Roussopoulos N, Shneiderman B et al..  1994.  Next Generation Network Management Technology. Institute for Systems Research Technical Reports.
Cleaveland R, Yankelevich D.  1994.  An operational framework for value-passing processes. Proceedings of the 21st ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT symposium on Principles of programming languages. :326-338.
Goodrich MT, Matias Y, Vishkin U.  1994.  Optimal parallel approximation for prefix sums and integer sorting. Proceedings of the fifth annual ACM-SIAM symposium on Discrete algorithms. :241-250.
Raman R, Vishkin U.  1994.  Optimal randomized parallel algorithms for computing the row maxima of a totally monotone matrix. Proceedings of the fifth annual ACM-SIAM symposium on Discrete algorithms. :613-621.
Kurkulos M, Weinberg JM, Roy D, Mount SM.  1994.  P element-mediated in vivo deletion analysis of white-apricot: deletions between direct repeats are strongly favored.. GeneticsGenetics. 136(3):1001-1011.
Etemad K, Doermann D, Chellappa R.  1994.  Page Segmentation Using Decision Integration and Wavelet Packet Basis. ICPR. :345-349.
Dorr BJ, Lin D, Lee J, Suh S.  1994.  A paradigm for non-head-driven parsing: Parameterized message-passing. Proceedings of the International Conference on New Methods in Language Processing, Manchester, UK.
Khuller S, Vishkin U.  1994.  On the parallel complexity of digraph reachability. Information Processing Letters. 52(5):239-241.
O'Leary DP.  1994.  Parallel Computing: Emerging from a Time Warp. IEEE Computational Science & Engineering. 1(4):1,15-1,15.
Sahinalp SC, Vishkin U.  1994.  On a parallel-algorithms method for string matching problems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 778:22-32.
Sahinalp S, Vishkin U.  1994.  On a parallel-algorithms method for string matching problems (overview). Algorithms and ComplexityAlgorithms and Complexity. 778:22-32.
Tai G-C, Korman CE, Mayergoyz ID.  1994.  A parallel-in-time method for the transient simulation of SOI devices with drain current overshoots. Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, IEEE Transactions on. 13(8):1035-1044.
Landau GM, Vishkin U.  1994.  Pattern matching in a digitized image. Algorithmica. 12(4):375-408.
Bienkowski MA, desJardins M.  1994.  Planning-based integrated decision support systems. Artificial Intelligence Planning Systems: Proceedings of the Second International Conference (AIPS-94). :196-201.
