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Hannenhalli S, Pevzner P.  1996.  To cut… or not to cut (applications of comparative physical maps in molecular evolution). Proceedings of the seventh annual ACM-SIAM symposium on Discrete algorithms. :304-313.
Kolker R, Shneiderman B.  1996.  Tools for creating and exploiting content. Getty Art History Information Program (1996) Research Agenda for Networked Cultural Heritage, Santa Monica. CA: Getty AHIP. :27-30.
Kelly W, Pugh W, Rosser E, Shpeisman T.  1996.  Transitive closure of infinite graphs and its applications. Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing. :126-140.
Acharya A, Uysal M, Bennett R, Mendelson A, Beynon M, Hollingsworth J, Saltz J, Sussman A.  1996.  Tuning the performance of I/O-intensive parallel applications. Proceedings of the fourth workshop on I/O in parallel and distributed systems: part of the federated computing research conference. :15-27.
Dorr BJ, Jones D.  1996.  Use of Syntactic and Semantic Filters for Lexical Acquisition: Using WordNet to Increase Precision. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Predicative Forms in Natural Language and Lexical Knowledge Bases. :81-88.
North C, Shneiderman B, Plaisant C.  1996.  User controlled overviews of an image library: a case study of the visible human. Proceedings of the first ACM international conference on Digital libraries. :74-82.
Pradhan S, Minker J.  1996.  Using priorities to combine knowledge bases. International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems. 5(2):333-333.
Elseaidy WM, Baugh JW, Cleaveland R.  1996.  Verification of an active control system using temporal process algebra. Engineering with computers. 12(1):46-61.
Bolle R, Aloimonos Y, Fermüller C.  1996.  Video representations. Recent Developments in Computer Vision. 1035:33-41.
Joyce M, Kolker R, Moulthrop S, Shneiderman B, Unsworth J M.  1996.  Visual metaphor and the problem of complexity in the design of Web sites: techniques for generating, recognizing and visualizing structure. Proceedings of the the seventh ACM conference on Hypertext. :257–-257–.
Hascoët-Zizi M, Ahlberg C, Korfhage R, Plaisant C, Chalmers M, Rao R.  1996.  Where is information visualization technology going? Proceedings of the 9th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology. :75-77.
Fermüller C, Cheong LF, Aloimonos Y.  1995.  3D motion representations in visual servo control. Proceedings of International Symposium on Computer Vision, 1995. :61-66.
Zelkowitz MV.  1995.  Algebra and models (and reality). SIGSOFT Softw. Eng. Notes. 20(2):55-57.
Elman H, Zhang X.  1995.  Algebraic Analysis of the Hierarchical Basis Preconditioner. SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and ApplicationsSIAM. J. Matrix Anal. & Appl.. 16(1):192-192.
Berkman O, Vishkin U.  1995.  Almost fully-parallel parentheses matching. Discrete applied mathematics. 57(1):11-28.
Rose A, Shneiderman B, Plaisant C.  1995.  An applied ethnographic method for redesigning user interfaces. Proceedings of the 1st conference on Designing interactive systems: processes, practices, methods, & techniques. :115-122.
Arya S, Mount D.  1995.  Approximate range searching. Proceedings of the eleventh annual symposium on Computational geometry. :172-181.
Khuller S, Raghavachari B, Young N.  1995.  Approximating the minimum equivalent digraph. SIAM Journal on Computing (SICOMP). 24(4):859-872.
Dean TL, ALLEN JAMES AUTOR, Aloimonos Y.  1995.  Artificial Intelligence: Theory and Practice. :604.
Das D, Gupta SK, Regli WC, Nau DS.  1995.  Automated Manufacturability Analysis: A Survey. ISR; TR 1995-14
Gupta SK.  1995.  Automated Manufacturability Analysis of Machined Parts.
Varshney A, Agarwal P, Brooks F, Wright W, Weber H.  1995.  Automatic generation of multiresolution for polygonal models. First Workshop on Simulation and Interaction in Virtual Environments.
Khuller S, Raghavachari B, Young N.  1995.  Balancing minimum spanning trees and shortest-path trees. Algorithmica. 14(4):305-321.
Fernández JA, Minker J.  1995.  Bottom-up computation of perfect models for disjunctive theories. The Journal of logic programming. 25(1):33-51.
Dorr BJ, Palmer M.  1995.  Building a LCS-Based Lexicon in TAGs. Proceedings of the AAAI-95 Spring Symposium Series, Representation and Acquisition of Lexical Knowledge: Polysemy, Ambiguity, and Generativity, Stanford, CA, March. :27-29.
