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Mohammad S, Dorr BJ, Egan M, Hassan A, Muthukrishan P, Qazvinian V, Radev D, Zajic D.  2009.  Using citations to generate surveys of scientific paradigms. Proceedings of Human Language Technologies: The 2009 Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics. :584-592.
Hierons RM, Krause P, Lüttgen G, Simons AJH, Vilkomir S, Woodward MR, Zedan H, Bogdanov K, Bowen JP, Cleaveland R et al..  2009.  Using formal specifications to support testing. ACM Computing Surveys. 41:1-76.
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Yuan X, Memon AM.  2009.  Using GUI Run-Time State as Feedback for Test Automation.
Memon AM.  2009.  Using reverse engineering for automated usability evaluation of GUI-based applications. Human-Centered Software Engineering. :335-355.
Ford TE, Colwell RR, Rose JB, Morse SS, Rogers DJ, Yates TL.  2009.  Using Satellite Images of Environmental Changes to Predict Infectious Disease Outbreaks. Emerging Infectious DiseasesEmerg Infect Dis. 15(9):1341-1346.
Castillo CD, Jacobs DW.  2009.  Using Stereo Matching with General Epipolar Geometry for 2D Face Recognition across Pose. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on. 31(12):2298-2304.
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Grinstein G, Scholtz J, Whiting M, Plaisant C.  2009.  VAST 2009 challenge: An insider threat. Visual Analytics Science and Technology, 2009. VAST 2009. IEEE Symposium on. :243-244.
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Swamy N, Hicks MW.  2009.  Verified enforcement of stateful information release policies. SIGPLAN Not.. 43(12):21-31.
Colwell RR.  2009.  Viable but not cultivable bacteria. Uncultivated Microorganisms. :121-129.
Schwartz W, Pedrini H, Davis LS.  2009.  Video Compression and Retrieval of Moving Object Location Applied to Surveillance. Image Analysis and Recognition. :906-916.
Chellappa R, Bicego M, Turaga P.  2009.  Video-Based Face Recognition Algorithms. Handbook of Remote Biometrics. :193-216.
Gopalan R, Hong T, Shneier M, Chellappa R.  2009.  Video-based Lane Detection using Boosting Principles.
Xu Y, Ji H, Fermüller C.  2009.  Viewpoint Invariant Texture Description Using Fractal Analysis. International Journal of Computer Vision. 83(1):85-100.
Basri R, Felzenszwalb PF, Girshick RB, Jacobs DW, Klivans CJ.  2009.  Visibility constraints on features of 3D objects. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2009. CVPR 2009. IEEE Conference on. :1231-1238.
Aris A, Shneiderman B, Qazvinian V, Radev D.  2009.  Visual overviews for discovering key papers and influences across research fronts. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology. 60(11):2219-2228.
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Han B, Zhu Y, Comaniciu D, Davis LS.  2009.  Visual Tracking by Continuous Density Propagation in Sequential Bayesian Filtering Framework. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on. 31(5):919-930.
Plaisant C, Grinstein G, Scholtz J.  2009.  Visual-Analytics Evaluation. Computer Graphics and Applications, IEEE. 29(3):16-17.
Agrawal M, Doermann D.  2009.  Voronoi++: ADynamic Page Segmentation approach based on Voronoi and Docstrum features. International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR '09). :1011-1015.
Roitman H, Gal A, Raschid L.  2009.  Web Monitoring 2.0: Crossing Streams to Satisfy Complex Data Needs. IEEE 25th International Conference on Data Engineering, 2009. ICDE '09. :1215-1218.
Nandi A, Bhattacharjee B, Druschel P.  2009.  What a mesh: understanding the design tradeoffs for streaming multicast. SIGMETRICS Perform. Eval. Rev.. 37(2):85-86.
