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Journal Articles
Bartholomeu D, El-Sayed NM, Melville SE.  2004.  Sequencing Strategies for Parasite Genomes. METHODS IN MOLECULAR BIOLOGY-CLIFTON THEN TOTOWA-. 270:1-16.
Han B, Comaniciu D, Zhu Y, Davis LS.  2008.  Sequential Kernel Density Approximation and Its Application to Real-Time Visual Tracking. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on. 30(7):1186-1197.
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Fermin DR, Barac A, Lee S, Polster SP, Hannenhalli S, Bergemann TL, Grindle S, Dyke DB, Pagani F, Miller LW et al..  2008.  Sex and Age Dimorphism of Myocardial Gene Expression in Nonischemic Human Heart Failure. Circulation: Cardiovascular Genetics. 1(2):117-125.
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