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Jallad K, Katz J, Schneier B.  2002.  Implementation of chosen-ciphertext attacks against PGP and GnuPG. Information Security. :90-101.
Halperin E, Srinivasan A.  2002.  Improved Approximation Algorithms for the Partial Vertex Cover Problem. Approximation Algorithms for Combinatorial OptimizationApproximation Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization. 2462:161-174.
Scholtz J, Johnson J, Shneiderman B, Hope-Tindall P, Gosling M, Phillips J, Wexelblat A.  2002.  Interacting with identification technology: can it make us more secure? CHI '02 extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems. :564-565.
Jiwnani K, Zelkowitz MV.  2002.  Maintaining software with a security perspective. Software Maintenance, 2002. Proceedings. International Conference on. :194-203.
Katz B, Felshin S, Yuret D, Ibrahim A, Jimmy Lin, Marton G, Jerome McFarland A, Temelkuran B.  2002.  Omnibase: Uniform access to heterogeneous data for question answering. Natural Language Processing and Information Systems. :230-234.
Myers KL, Tyson WM, Wolverton MJ, Jarvis PA, Lee TJ, desJardins M.  2002.  PASSAT: A user-centric planning framework. Proceedings of the 3rd International NASA Workshop on Planning and Scheduling for Space.
Zhou S, Chellappa R.  2002.  Probabilistic Human Recognition from Video. Computer Vision — ECCV 2002Computer Vision — ECCV 2002. 2352:173-183.
Grossman D, Morrisett G, Jim T, Hicks MW, Wang Y, Cheney J.  2002.  Region-based memory management in cyclone. SIGPLAN Not.. 37(5):282-293.
Jiwnani K, Zelkowitz MV.  2002.  Security Testing using a Susceptibility Matrix. International Symposioum on Software Reliability Engineering. 13
Anderson ML, Josyula DP, Okamoto YA, Perlis D.  2002.  Time-situated agency: Active logic and intention formation. in: Workshop on Cognitive Agents, 25th German Conference on Artificial Intelligence.
Anderson ML, Okamoto Y, Josyula D, Perlis D.  2002.  The use-mention distinction and its importance to HCI. Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialog. :21-28.
Gandhi R, Khuller S, Srinivasan A, Wang N.  2003.  Approximation Algorithms for Channel Allocation Problems in Broadcast Networks. Approximation, Randomization, and Combinatorial Optimization: Algorithms and Techniques. 2764:821-826.
Suh B, Ling H, Bederson BB, Jacobs DW.  2003.  Automatic thumbnail cropping and its effectiveness. Proceedings of the 16th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology. :95-104.
Suh B, Ling H, Bederson BB, Jacobs DW.  2003.  Automatic thumbnail cropping and its effectiveness. Proceedings of the 16th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology. :95-104.
Jacobs DW.  2003.  BAYESIAN AND STATISTICAL APPROACHES TO VISION-Natural Image Statistics and Perceptual Inference-What makes viewpoint-invariant properties perceptually salient? Journal of the Optical Society of America-A-Optics Image Science and Vision. 20(7):1304-1320.
Shi Q, JaJa JF.  2003.  Fast Algorithms for 3-D Dominance Reporting and Counting. UMIACS-TR-2003-06
Shi Q, JaJa JF.  2003.  Fast algorithms for a class of temporal range queries. Algorithms and Data Structures. :91-102.
Shi Q, JaJa JF.  2003.  Fast Fractional Cascading and Its Applications. UMIACS-TR-2003-71
Read TD, Peterson SN, Tourasse N, Baillie LW, Paulsen IT, Nelson KE, Tettelin H|[eacute]|, Fouts DE, Eisen JA, Gill SR et al..  2003.  The genome sequence of Bacillus anthracis Ames and comparison to closely related bacteria. Nature. 423(6935):81-86.
Vegas S, Juristo N, Basili VR.  2003.  Identifying Relevant Information for Testing Technique Selection: An Instantiated Characterization Schema.
Haas BJ, Delcher AL, Mount SM, Wortman JR, Jr R SK, Hannick LI, Maiti R, Ronning CM, Rusch DB, Town CD et al..  2003.  Improving the Arabidopsis genome annotation using maximal transcript alignment assemblies. Nucleic Acids ResearchNucl. Acids Res.. 31(19):5654-5666.
Jacox EH, Samet H.  2003.  Iterative spatial join. ACM Trans. Database Syst.. 28(3):230-256.
Basri R, Jacobs DW.  2003.  Lambertian reflectance and linear subspaces. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on. 25(2):218-233.
Shi Q, JaJa JF.  2003.  An O(n)-Space O(log n/log log n + f)-Query Time Algorithm for 3-D Dominance Reporting. UMIACS-TR-2003-77
Jacobs DW.  2003.  Perceptual Completion and Memory. Perceptual organization in vision: behavioral and neural perspectivesPerceptual organization in vision: behavioral and neural perspectives. :403-403.
