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2013. Spoiler Alert: Machine Learning Approaches to Detect Social Media Posts with Revelatory Information.
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2009. SPOT Databases: Efficient Consistency Checking and Optimistic Selection in Probabilistic Spatial Databases. Knowledge and Data Engineering, IEEE Transactions on. 21(1):92-107.
1998. Spreading depression in focal ischemia: A computational study. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism. 18(9):998-1007.
1998. SRRIT--A FORTRAN Subroutine to Calculate the Dominant Invariant Subspace of a Nonsymmetric Matrix. UMIACS-TR-92-61
1986. A Stability Analysis of Incomplete LU Factorizations. Mathematics of Computation. 47(175):191-217.
2010. On Stability of Magnetization Dynamics in Nanoparticles. Magnetics, IEEE Transactions on. 46(6):1718-1721.
1995. On the stability of sequential updates and downdates. Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on. 43(11):2642-2648.
2006. Stabilization and Mosaicing of Airborne Videos. Image Processing, 2006 IEEE International Conference on. :345-348.
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2014. Stable isotope labeling of phosphoproteins for large-scale phosphorylation rate determination. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics.
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2002. The START multimedia information system: Current technology and future directions. In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Multimedia Information Systems (MIS 2002).